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Solarpunk is a relatively new eco-futurist speculative movement focused on envisioning a positive future beyond scarcity and hierarchy, where humanity is reintegrated with nature and technology is used for human-centric and ecocentric purposes.

The term solarpunk is a literary, aesthetic, and artistic subgenre created in the wake of cyberpunk and its other derivatives biopunk and steampunk.

In contrast to the other "punk" science fiction genres that it derives from, solarpunk narratives have a distinctly positive and utopian foundation- as opposed to what are often dystopian narratives found within contemporary science-fiction; to a large extent being a rebellion against widespread pessimism found in SF visions of the future. It is conceived as a collaborative social effort to imagine and design a world of post-scarcity abundance, peace, sustainability, social inclusiveness, and beauty- one which is seen as realistically achievable with current technology. Aesthetically it also sits opposed to the often plain and sterile aesthetics of other futuristic subgenres, emphasising vibrancy and vitality in design, blending naturalistic elements with technological components, and mixing the diverse styles of several cultures.