n. 1 (context countable hobbies English) A hobbyist who experiments with DNA and other aspects of genetics.Katz, J.S.: "Roses are Black, Violets are Green", ''New Scientist'', 6 January, 1990Katz, J.S.: "That which is not Forbidden is Mandatory", BioTech Educ'', 4(1), 1990 2 (context uncountable social English) A techno-progressive movement advocating open access to genetic information.(cite paper author = http://en.wikipedi
org/wiki/Annalee%20Newitz title = Biopunk year = 2001 url = http://we
archive.org/web/20021220190353/http://www.sfbg.com/SFLife/tech/71.html accessdate=2007-01-26)(cite paper author = Newitz, Annalee title = Genome Liberation year = 2002 url = http://archive.salon.com/tech/feature/2002/02/26/biopunk/print.html accessdate=2007-01-26) 3 (context uncountable science fiction English) A science fiction genre that focuses on biotechnology and subversives.(cite paper author = Quinion, Michael title = World Wide Words: Biopunk year = 1997 url = http://www.worldwidewords.org/turnsofphrase/tp-bio3.htm accessdate=2007-01-26)
Biopunk (a portmanteau of " biotechnology" and " punk") is a subgenre of science fiction that focuses on biotechnology. It is derived from cyberpunk, but focuses on the implications of biotechnology rather than information technology. Biopunk is concerned with synthetic biology. It is derived of cyberpunk involving bio-hackers, biotech mega-corporations, and oppressive government agencies that manipulate human DNA. Most often keeping with the dark atmosphere of cyberpunk, biopunk generally examines the dark side of genetic engineering and represents the low side of biotechnology. Common ideas of this subgenre are biotechnologies in the context of the gap between the rich and poor, the value and nature of life and humanity, human enhancement, misusage of biotechnologies for social control and profit.