is a Japanese slice of life romance music manga series written and illustrated by Inio Asano. It was serialised in Shogakukan's Weekly Young Sunday from 2005 to 2006. The manga is licensed and published in English by Viz Media, in French by Kana, in Germany by Tokyopop, in Italy by Planet Manga and in Chinese by Taiwan Tohan. The manga was nominated for the 2009 Eisner Award for Best U.S. Edition of International Material – Japan.
The manga was made into a live-action film directed by Takahiro Miki and starring Aoi Miyazaki as the female protagonist. It was released in Japan in April 2010. In the same year the band Asian Kung-Fu Generation released the single " Solanin", with lyrics written by Inio Asano, author of the manga. The song was featured in the movie version. The band also provided the ending theme to the movie.
is the 14th single of Japanese rock band Asian Kung-Fu Generation, released on March 31, 2010. The first track is the main theme for the movie Solanin, based on the song from the manga of the same name. The lyrics were written by Inio Asano and are taken from the manga itself. The song was also added as an extra track on the album Magic Disk. The second track serves as the ending theme of the movie and is a remix of "Mustang," from their 2008 EP " Mada Minu Ashita ni", which was also inspired by the manga. This remix features in the band's compilation album, Feedback File 2.
Usage examples of "solanin".
When uncooked it contains a notable quantity of Solanin, and it would be dangerous to let animals drink water in which the plant had been boiled.