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Solactive is a German provider of financial indices based in Frankfurt. The company develops, calculates and markets cost-efficient indices over several asset classes, e.g. Equity, Fixed-Income and Commodity indices. In addition, Solactive also engages in the development and branding of complex strategies not based on traditional underlyings, such as stocks and bonds, but on instruments like funds, life insurance products or basket of currencies.

Since inception, Solactive has enjoyed fast growth. In 2010, there were 25 ETFs linked to indices calculated by Solactive. As of December 2015, the number rose to more than 200 ETFs. By March 2016, the company ranked third in the US in terms of ETFs tied to indices calculated by Solactive.

Solactive has adopted a forward-looking approach to index development seeking to capitalise on market movements and trends to constantly bring new index ideas to the market. Solactive has put in place an efficient indexing infrastructure guaranteeing fast and flexible services to its clients.

Managed by Steffen Scheuble, CEO, and Christian Grabbe, COO, Solactive is organized in two business units Research and Indexing, headed respectively by Henning Kahre and Astrid Ludwig.