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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Soc \Soc\ (s[o^]k), n. [AS. s[=o]c the power of holding court, sway, domain, properly, the right of investigating or seeking; akin to E. sake, seek. Sake, Seek, and cf. Sac, and Soke.] [Written also sock, and soke.]

  1. (O. Eng. Law)

    1. The lord's power or privilege of holding a court in a district, as in manor or lordship; jurisdiction of causes, and the limits of that jurisdiction.

    2. Liberty or privilege of tenants excused from customary burdens.

  2. An exclusive privilege formerly claimed by millers of grinding all the corn used within the manor or township which the mill stands. [Eng.]

    Soc and sac (O. Eng. Law), the full right of administering justice in a manor or lordship.


Etymology 1 n. 1 (context slang uncountable English) sociology or social science 2 (context slang countable English) upper class youth Etymology 2

alt. 1 (context UK legal obsolete English) The lord's power or privilege of holding a court in a district, as in manor or lordship; jurisdiction of causes, and the limits of that jurisdiction. 2 (context UK obsolete English) liberty or privilege of tenants excused from customary burdens. 3 (context UK obsolete English) An exclusive privilege formerly claimed by millers of grinding all the corn used within the manor or township in which the mill stands. n. 1 (context UK legal obsolete English) The lord's power or privilege of holding a court in a district, as in manor or lordship; jurisdiction of causes, and the limits of that jurisdiction. 2 (context UK obsolete English) liberty or privilege of tenants excused from customary burdens. 3 (context UK obsolete English) An exclusive privilege formerly claimed by millers of grinding all the corn used within the manor or township in which the mill stands.


SOC or SoC may refer to:

Usage examples of "soc".

The other Soc, a tall guy with a semi-Beatle haircut, turned to Marcia.

I ducked and tried to run for it, but the Soc caught my arm and twisted it behind my back, and shoved my face into the fountain.

Bob, the handsome Soc, was lying there in the moonlight, doubled up and still.

It was hard to believe a Soc would help us, even a Soc that dug sunsets.

He looked like I felt when I had seen that black-haired Soc lying doubled up and still in the moonlight.

I yelled as the Soc knocked me to the ground and I rolled to avoid getting kicked.

I managed to ask as the Soc I was fighting leaped on me and we rolled near Dally.

I was up again as soon as I got my wind, and jumped right back on the Soc, trying my best to strangle him.

Some Soc had knocked out one of our bunch and was kicking me as hard as he could.

I knew he liked to pick fights, had the usual Soc belief that living on the West Side made you Mr.

Well, by the time he got there, Soc would not trust the woman with a razor at his throat.

It was so kind of Cook to knit the soc ks for me, but they are very big - two sizes too big.

Though I, being very man, do know myself all unworthy maid so sweet and peerless, yet, and she stoop to wed me, then will I make her lady proud and dame of divers goodly manors and castles, of village and hamlet, pit and gallows, sac and soc, with powers the high, the middle and the low and with ten-score lances in her train.

Robert Thompson called a Socred caucus on Monday noon, to determine the price of his support.