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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Smoky \Smok"y\, a. [Compar. Smokier; superl. Smokiest.]

  1. Emitting smoke, esp. in large quantities or in an offensive manner; fumid; as, smoky fires.

  2. Having the appearance or nature of smoke; as, a smoky fog. ``Unlustrous as the smoky light.''

  3. Filled with smoke, or with a vapor resembling smoke; thick; as, a smoky atmosphere.

  4. Subject to be filled with smoke from chimneys or fireplace; as, a smoky house.

  5. Tarnished with smoke; noisome with smoke; as, smoky rafters; smoky cells.

  6. Suspicious; open to suspicion. [Obs.]

    Smoky quartz (Min.), a variety of quartz crystal of a pale to dark smoky-brown color. See Quartz.


a. (en-comparativesmoky)

  1. adj. marked by or emitting or filled with smoke; "smoky rafters"; "smoky chimneys"; "a smoky fireplace"; "a smoky corridor" [ant: smokeless]

  2. tasting of smoke; "smoky sausages"

  3. [also: smokiest, smokier]


See smoky

Usage examples of "smokier".

Late at night sometimes, things seemed deeper and smokier than they were.

The drizzle made the fires smokier, and in their disfigurement was a look of utter futility.

Some were sent off to gather twigs and scraps of dried grass for the main fire, some looked for greenery to build the second, smokier fire that they had learned kept the fireburs away, some set about herding the livestock into a close group, some joined Torlyri in chanting the guarding-rites to ward off the menaces of the night.

It was, however, genuinely a bar and grill, much smokier and noisier than the Chick.