The Collaborative International Dictionary
Venetian \Ve*ne"tian\, a. [Cf. It. Veneziano, L. Venetianus.] Of or pertaining to Venice in Italy.
Venetian blind, a blind for windows, doors, etc., made of thin slats, either fixed at a certain angle in the shutter, or movable, and in the latter case so disposed as to overlap each other when close, and to show a series of open spaces for the admission of air and light when in other positions.
Venetian carpet, an inexpensive carpet, used for passages and stairs, having a woolen warp which conceals the weft; the pattern is therefore commonly made up of simple stripes.
Venetian chalk, a white compact or steatite, used for marking on cloth, etc.
Venetian door (Arch.), a door having long, narrow windows or panes of glass on the sides.
Venetian glass, a kind of glass made by the Venetians, for decorative purposes, by the combination of pieces of glass of different colors fused together and wrought into various ornamental patterns.
Venetian red, a brownish red color, prepared from sulphate of iron; -- called also scarlet ocher.
Venetian soap. See Castile soap, under Soap.
Venetian sumac (Bot.), a South European tree ( Rhus Cotinus) which yields the yellow dyewood called fustet; -- also called smoke tree.
Venetian window (Arch.), a window consisting of a main window with an arched head, having on each side a long and narrow window with a square head.
n. any of several shrubs or shrubby trees of the genus Cotinus [syn: smoke bush]
grayish-green shrub of desert regions of southwestern United States nd Mexico having sparse foliage and terminal spikes of bluish violet flowers; locally important as source of a light-colored honey of excellent flavor [syn: Dalea spinosa]
"Smoke tree" may refer to any of several plants, some of whose parts are finely divided and give the appearance of smoke from a distance:
- Cotinus, a common garden shrub.
- Psorothamnus spinosus, a spiny tree of the American desert. In the spring it has soft "puffballs" which are pink in color; in the autumn this variety turns bright red and orange.
Usage examples of "smoke tree".
And if the astilbes were groaning under the smoke tree's yoke, their abundant flowers certainly did not indicate so.
Names flitted through Paul's mind, each with its picture imprinted by the book's mnemonic pulse: saguaro, burro bush, date palm, sand verbena, evening primrose, barrel cactus, incense bush, smoke tree, creosote bush .
Names flitted through Paul's mind, each with its picture imprinted by the book's mnemonic pulse: saguaro, burro bush, date palm, sand verbena, evening primrose, barrel cactus, incense bush, smoke tree, creosote bush.
In the corner opposite the statue, a smoke tree had been allowed to grow unchecked.
She poked her head through the smoke tree's root and began to speak with Ruha.
On the walls are tacked full-color tabletop-sized ripped fragments of billboards we found stashed behind a smoke tree off Normandie Avenue.