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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a slot machine (=for putting coins in in order to try and win more money)
▪ The casino has 500 slot machines.
expansion slot
mail slot
slot machine
slotted spoon
▪ The really interesting question is what will take its place in this vital prime time slot.
▪ Have you secretly been lusting after their time slot?
▪ If this is a family show, give it a family time slot.
▪ The programs have appeared periodically, in no set time slot.
▪ Titles, stars, time slots, producers and who knows what else will change by the time September rolls around.
▪ Press downplayed the series' time slot, saying that other series have not done well when put between two highly-rated shows.
▪ Its weekly feature show, Inside Stuff, is a dunk-fest programmed into a youth-oriented time slot on Saturday morning.
Time Division Multiple Access converts conversations into digital signals and assigns each one specific time slots.
▪ But you need to fill all four slots before the Ram upgrade works. 5..
▪ Then the station you left hires some one to fill your vacant slot.
▪ As a result, there are usually a good many people to choose from when filling a senior management slot.
▪ Even its tail is protected from attack, fitting neatly into a slot in its rump armour.
▪ a parking slot
▪ I dropped a quarter in the slot and dialed the number.
▪ Ron's show has been moved from its 9 p.m. slot on WKDH.
▪ The disk goes into this slot here.
▪ The message was placed in every employee's mail slot.
▪ About 180 of them competed for slots in five school bands this year.
▪ Gaming areas were half-empty, but gamblers made a beeline for the slots and tables at halftime.
▪ He found just the right person for his newly created slot of research associate.
▪ It is very important to have the greatest possible support around the expansion slot area.
▪ Next wind some tape through the slots and around the core to provide a base for the pickup windings.
▪ Please try again later when there is a free user slot available.
▪ The Jaguar slotted in behind the green Renault.
▪ I slotted in well, but all that vending blunted my edges and did my head in.
▪ Stewart slotted in well in his first full game and Liverpool should have won by a much bigger margin.
▪ All of which slots in with what you've just been saying.
▪ Mark Hughes slotted in comfortably at centre-back, although he picked up a booking and went close to receiving a red card.
▪ But Severin slid in to block just as the Aussie was about to slot in from close range.
▪ The newcomers slotted in as though they had been part of the set-up for a while.
▪ Get the groundwork right and, in theory, everything else should slot into place.
▪ One last idea was slotted into place in this 11 September broadcast.
▪ Then, he felt the world shift on its axis, and knew that a new reality had slotted into its place.
▪ The final pieces of the puzzle had now been slotted into place.
▪ Katie slotted a video into place and pressed the button.
▪ Try 2003 for the first wave of legislation and 2006 for the final pieces to slot into place.
▪ Some of these words may sound foreign, but will soon slot into place.
▪ Brownie albums were provided, with spaces ready prepared for slotting in a sequence of the snapshots.
▪ Children are slotted at national norms, above those norms, or else beneath them.
▪ He took one at random, went into the master bedroom and slotted it into the video.
▪ The final pieces of the puzzle had now been slotted into place.
▪ Then, he felt the world shift on its axis, and knew that a new reality had slotted into its place.
▪ These ready-to-use units can be slotted in wherever and whenever they fit.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Slot \Slot\, n. [LG. & D. slot a lock, from a verb meaning to close., to shut, D. sluiten; akin to G. schliessen, OHG. sliozan, OFries. sl?ta, and probably to L. claudere. Cf. Close, Sluice.]

  1. A broad, flat, wooden bar; a slat or sloat.

  2. A bolt or bar for fastening a door. [Prov. Eng.]

  3. A narrow depression, perforation, or aperture; esp., one for the reception of a piece fitting or sliding in it.


Slot \Slot\, v. t. [See Slot a bar.] To shut with violence; to slam; as, to slot a door. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]


Slot \Slot\, n. [Cf. Icel. sl??, and E. sleuth.] The track of a deer; hence, a track of any kind.

As a bloodhound follows the slot of a hurt deer.
--Sir W. Scott.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., "hollow at the base of the throat above the breastbone," from Old French esclot "hoofprint of a deer or horse," of uncertain origin, probably from Old Norse sloð "trail" (see sleuth). Original sense is rare or obsolete in Modern English; sense of "narrow opening into which something else can be fitted" is first recorded 1520s. Meaning "middle of the (semi-circular) copy desk at a newspaper," the spot occupied by the chief sub-editor, is recorded from 1917. The sense of "opening in a machine for a coin to be inserted" is from 1888 (slot machine first attested 1891). The sense of "position in a list" is first recorded 1942; verb sense of "designate, appoint" is from 1960s. Slot car first attested 1966.


"bar or bolt used to fasten a door, window, etc.," c.1300, from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German slot (compare Old Norse slot, Old High German sloz, German Schloss "bolt, bar, lock, castle;" Old Saxon slutil "key," Dutch slot "a bolt, lock, castle"), from Proto-Germanic stem *slut- "to close" (cognates: Old Frisian sluta, Dutch sluiten, Old High German sliozan, German schliessen "to shut, close, bolt, lock"), from PIE root *klau- "hook, peg" (cognates: Greek kleis "key;" Latin claudere "to shut, close," clavis "key," clavus "nail;" see close (v.)). Wooden pegs seem to have been the original keys.


1560s, "to bolt a door," from slot (n.2). Related: Slotted; slotting.


1747, "provide with a slot, cut slots in," from slot (n.1). Meaning "drop a coin in a slot" is from 1888. Sense of "take a position in a slot" is from 1940; that of "fit (something) into a slot" is from 1966. Oldest sense is obsolete: "stab in the base of the throat" (c.1400). Related: Slotted; slotting.


Etymology 1 n. 1 A broad, flat, wooden bar, a slat, especially as used to secure a door, window, etc. 2 A metal bolt or wooden bar, especially as a crosspiece. 3 (context electrical English) A channel opening in the stator or rotor of a rotating machine for ventilation and insertion of windings. 4 (context slang surfing English) The barrel or tube of a wave. vb. 1 (context obsolete English) To bolt or lock a door or window. 2 (context obsolete transitive UK dialect English) To shut with violence; to slam. Etymology 2

n. 1 A narrow depression, perforation, or aperture; especially, one for the reception of a piece fitting or slide in it. 2 A gap in a schedule or sequence. 3 (context aviation English) The allocated time for an aircraft's departure or arrival at an airport's runway. 4 (context aviation English) In a flying display, the fourth position; after the leader and two wingmen. 5 (context computing English) A space in memory or on disk etc. in which a particular type of object can be stored. 6 (context informal English) A slot machine designed for gambling. 7 (context slang English) The vagin

  1. v

  2. 1 To put something (such as a coin) into a slot (narrow aperture) 2 To assign something or someone into a slot (gap in a schedule or sequence) 3 To put something where it belongs. Etymology 3

    n. The track of an animal, especially a deer.

  1. n. a position in a grammatical linguistic construction in which a variety of alternative units are interchangeable; "he developed a version of slot grammar"

  2. a small slit (as for inserting a coin or depositing mail); "he put a quarter in the slot"

  3. a time assigned on a schedule or agenda; "the TV program has a new time slot"; "an aircraft landing slot" [syn: time slot]

  4. a position in a hierarchy or organization; "Bob Dylan occupied the top slot for several weeks"; "she beat some tough competition for the number one slot"

  5. the trail of an animal (especially a deer); "he followed the deer's slot over the soft turf to the edge of the trees"

  6. (computer) a socket in a microcomputer that will accept a plug-in circuit board; "the PC had three slots for additional memory" [syn: expansion slot]

  7. a slot machine that is used for gambling; "they spend hours and hours just playing the slots" [syn: one-armed bandit]

  8. v. assign a time slot; "slot a television programs"

  9. [also: slotting, slotted]

Slot (ice hockey)

In hockey, the slot is the area on the hockey rink directly ahead of the goaltender between the faceoff circles on each side. It is sometimes referred to as the "scoring area".

The "deep" or "high" slot refers to the area from the top of the circles, farthest from the goaltender, to the end of the slot at the hash marks. The distinction of where the deep slot begins is contentious. In general, it is the defenceman's responsibility to guard offensive players in the slot, while the offside winger covers offensive players in the deep slot. Because the deep slot is protected by an offensively minded winger and not a defenceman, forwards will often hover in the deep slot waiting for an opportunity to move towards the net for a scoring opportunity.

Category:Ice hockey terminology


Slot may refer to:

  • A narrow opening through which an object can pass, for example in a:
    • Mail slot
    • Slot machine, a type of casino game
    • Vending machine slot, a machine that dispenses items such as snacks, beverages, alcohol, cigarettes, lottery tickets to customers automatically, after the customer inserts currency or credit into the machine
    • Special passive mechanical devices used for returning rental videos
  • Slot, a space for a container on a ship, usually expressed as a or slot
  • Slot (car racing), a slot in the track on which slot cars race in and are guided by
  • Slot (ice hockey), the area on the hockey rink directly ahead of the goaltender between the faceoff circles on each side
  • Orbital slot, allotted position for a satellite in a "crowded" orbit
  • Slot, slang term for the chief copy editor on a newspaper
Slot (computer architecture)

A slot comprises the operation issue and data paths machinery surrounding a collection of one or more functional units (FUs) which share these resources. The term slot is common for this purpose in the VLIW world where the relationship between operation in an instruction and pipeline to execute it is explicit. In dynamically scheduled machines the concept is more commonly called an execute pipeline.

Modern conventional CPUs have several compute pipelines (say two ALU, one FPU, one SSE/ MMX, one branch) each of which can issue one instruction per basic cycle but can have several in flight. These are what correspond to slots. The pipelines may have several FUs - an adder and a multiplier, say - but only one FU in a pipeline can be issued to in a particular cycle. The FU population of a pipeline/slot is a design option in a CPU.

Category:Computer architecture

Usage examples of "slot".

I started to laugh, but the bartender shouted to another young man shoveling quarters into a nearby slot.

They moved up and down the stands almost like peanut vendors in the States, calling out the constantly changing odds, throwing some kind of ball to prospective bettors, who put their money in a slot in the ball and took out the chit with the current line.

Remove the shrimp paste with a slotted spoon to a mortar, blender, or food processor.

She called the traffic tower to ask for another landing slot, preferably nearer the brawn barracks.

Dorrin puts his half-empty cup in one of the slots in the center of the table and stands, glancing from Kadara to Brede and back.

Duggan had little doubt that Brose was saying similar things to Stell too, who was also a candidate for the slot.

The burin reflects concurrent development from flaking to grinding through time and is considered essential for the manufacture of antler, ivory, and bone projectile points and inset slots.

As the elevator doors closed, Marit inserted a coded card into a slot on the wall.

Network and slotted a second bootlegged microfiche into the slant-topped console.

The phagors shambled back and forth, sticking their milts up their slotted nostrils, and occasionally exchanging a grunted word with each other.

She wanted to be mistaken, to have misplaced, miscounted the essentially interchangeable stock, but knew at once that no amount of wishful thinking, checking, rechecking the shelves, could erase the stubborn fact of loss gaping up at her from the mockingly vacant slots of the gem trays.

She had no doubt they had questioned, examined and tested him thoroughly, then assigned Morraine to some neat little slot that made the men in white jackets feel more secure and organized in their world.

Moreover, it was obvious even before Ulwy Munt made a trial that they fitted tightly into slots and grooves on the inside of the curved piece that Galvadon had secured today.

The individuals represented by those neatly slotted cards do donate their total income to the Parapsychic Center.

I selected one of the large denomination plastified notes and fed it into the slot.