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Crossword clues for slippier


a. (en-comparative of: slippy)

  1. adj. being such as to cause things to slip or slide; "slippery sidewalks"; "a slippery bar of soap"; "the streets are still slippy from the rain" [syn: slippery] [ant: nonslippery]

  2. [also: slippiest, slippier]


See slippy

Usage examples of "slippier".

And she was even slippier than a fish because after all a fish has scales and she had none.

His progress, which hadn't been all that good, slowed down to almost nothing as the leaves got slippier and the mud stickier.

Jeanne McGill carried Sukie, with Carrie at her side to help her over the steeper, slippier parts of the track.