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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sleepy \Sleep"y\, a. [Compar. Sleepier; superl. Sleepiest.]

  1. Drowsy; inclined to, or overcome by, sleep.

    She waked her sleepy crew.

  2. Tending to induce sleep; soporiferous; somniferous; as, a sleepy drink or potion.

  3. Dull; lazy; heavy; sluggish.

    'Tis not sleepy business; But must be looked to speedily and strongly.

  4. Characterized by an absence of watchfulness; as, sleepy security.

    Sleepy duck (Zo["o]l.), the ruddy duck.


a. (en-comparative of: sleepy)

  1. adj. ready to fall asleep; "beginning to feel sleepy"; "a sleepy-eyed child with drooping eyelids"; "sleepyheaded students" [syn: sleepy-eyed, sleepyheaded]

  2. [also: sleepiest, sleepier]


See sleepy

Usage examples of "sleepier".

A company of soldiers vegetates in quarters in a yet sleepier region than the town itself.

She found herself walking slowly and thoughtfully through the rooms once more, the light starting to fade outside, the house looking sleepier in the dull light.

It was annoying and she worried about it, getting sleepier and sleepier until she nodded off at last.

Chen seemed to become a little sleepier, and also a little leaner, a little harder.

He was crazily sleepier and sleepier, a cascade of bodily resources all deserting him.

His eyes, smoky blue and sleepier than ever, focused intently on her mouth.

I get sleepier and sleepier and lean against Mother, who is dark and warm and smells like Mother, strong and sacred, full of good feelings.