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n. (plural of slaver English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: slaver)


Slavers is an adventure module for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game.

Usage examples of "slavers".

He glared down the hill, a corner of his mind railing furiously at his king, at those who had assured the naive there were no Slavers to haunt the lives of the honest.

They came out onto the road the Slavers were using a bend behind the caravan.

The two Slavers came out of brush along the side of the road to grab them.

At last, the two Slavers turned to snarl out, in unison, a nasty enough sounding warning in their own language that even the most hardened-looking occupants of the cart fell abruptly silent.

A moment later, both Slavers bellowed in astonishment as the lock on the cart exploded in a flare of green light and ear-ringing sound.

More likely, no one had figured on Slavers providing good feed for their horses.

But Slavers had excellent reason to take good care of the animals that pulled their merchandise to market.

And unlike some who shared that cart with us, and spoke alternately of his god and of how he would murder those Slavers if he had half a chance.

The danger most feared was that when stasis boxes were opened they might be found to contain live Slavers as well as artifacts.

We are sure Slavers coming out of stasis will need some time to orient themselves.

Assuming that this giant stasis field contains an artifact of a size to justify it, the chances are that there are live Slavers within.

I spoke in the mirth of contemplating Slavers suddenly in hard vacuum and trying to eat their own lungs and entrails as their large single eyes exploded out of their heads.

Why did the adult Slavers who built the ark not take the elementary step of preserving their own lives inside it?

Without the Slavers they could have rebuilt their civilization in a single generation, perhaps.

Now take these slavers to suitable quarters where they can await the return of the Hierarch.