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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Slat \Slat\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Slatted; p. pr. & vb. n. Slatting.] [OE. slatten; cf. Icel. sletta to slap, to dab.]

  1. To slap; to strike; to beat; to throw down violently.

    How did you kill him? Slat[t]ed his brains out.

  2. To split; to crack. [Prov. Eng.]

  3. To set on; to incite. See 3d Slate. [Prov. Eng.]


Slatting \Slat"ting\, Slats, collectively.


Slatting \Slat"ting\, n. The violent shaking or flapping of anything hanging loose in the wind, as of a sail, when being hauled down.


n. 1 An arrangement of slats. 2 The violent shake or flapping of anything hanging loose in the wind, as of a sail when being hauled down. vb. (present participle of slat English)

  1. v. equip or bar with slats; "Slat the windows"

  2. close the slats of (windows)

  3. [also: slatting, slatted]

  1. n. a thin strip (wood or metal) [syn: spline]

  2. [also: slatting, slatted]


See slat

Usage examples of "slatting".

There was a slatting of canvas as the men started clewing up the huge courses, and the Calypso slowed down.

By now the last gun of the larboard broadside had fired and yet again the Calypso's sails were slatting as she wore round clear of the rocky tip of the peninsula.

When no one came on deck then, with the headway off her and the mainsail slatting idly as she came about, they had acknowledged there was something ominous about it.

Kurgech came in sight of the thief-wagon first: a small tall-masted skimmer with three spindly wheels and slatting sails, moving no faster than a walk.