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n. a lightweight board used in sport similar to a snowboard, usually equipped with foot bindings and a recovery parachute, used for skysurfing or skyboarding, a type of skydiving in which the skydiver performs surfing-style aerobatics during free-fall.

Skyboard (glider)

Skyboard is a one-person glider that offers a highly manoeuvrable alternative to skydiving. It was invented by New Zealander Bob Harris, the Skyboard is a 2.3 m long capsule, in which a pilot lies face down with hands on controls that offer full flying functions. On being launched from between 10,000 ft and 35,000 ft (from either a fixed-wing aircraft or helicopter) Skyboard’s front and rear wings, and tail plane are electronically deployed. The pilot, using aileron and elevator control surfaces can then fly the glider before making a wheels-down or parachute-assisted landing.


Skyboard can refer to:

  • A Skyboard - A lightweight board similar to a snowboard, used for skysurfing.
  • Skyboard (glider) - A one person glider.
  • Skyboard - A type of advertising hoarding; see Mobile billboard.