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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sick \Sick\, a. [Compar. Sicker; superl. Sickest.] [OE. sek, sik, ill, AS. se['o]c; akin to OS. siok, seoc, OFries. siak, D. ziek, G. siech, OHG. sioh, Icel. sj?kr, Sw. sjuk, Dan. syg, Goth. siuks ill, siukan to be ill.]

  1. Affected with disease of any kind; ill; indisposed; not in health. See the Synonym under Illness.

    Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever.
    --Mark i. 30.

    Behold them that are sick with famine.
    --Jer. xiv. 18.

  2. Affected with, or attended by, nausea; inclined to vomit; as, sick at the stomach; a sick headache.

  3. Having a strong dislike; disgusted; surfeited; -- with of; as, to be sick of flattery.

    He was not so sick of his master as of his work.

  4. Corrupted; imperfect; impaired; weakned.

    So great is his antipathy against episcopacy, that, if a seraphim himself should be a bishop, he would either find or make some sick feathers in his wings.

    Sick bay (Naut.), an apartment in a vessel, used as the ship's hospital.

    Sick bed, the bed upon which a person lies sick.

    Sick berth, an apartment for the sick in a ship of war.

    Sick headache (Med.), a variety of headache attended with disorder of the stomach and nausea.

    Sick list, a list containing the names of the sick.

    Sick room, a room in which a person lies sick, or to which he is confined by sickness.

    Note: [These terms, sick bed, sick berth, etc., are also written both hyphened and solid.]

    Syn: Diseased; ill; disordered; distempered; indisposed; weak; ailing; feeble; morbid.


a. (en-superlative of: sick)

Usage examples of "sickest".

She also always found it oddly incongruous that the sickest patients had the most beautiful views.

I spend investigating the sickest, most fucked-up crimes that anyone can conjure up.

I continued to resist talking to Bill about it, because I was at my sickest point in the chemo cycles.

The chemo left me so foggy that my memory of that time is sketchy, but what I do know for sure is that at my sickest, I started to beat the thing.

All but the sickest stayed in their positions in line, huddling against the wall, to be treated the following day.

When she was sickest she was desperate for someone, anyone, to fix it, mostly my dad or me.

After his stab at wedded bliss with Madeline, him having fantasies of a real marriage with Laura had to be the sickest twist his mind ever had taken.

I take your sickest first because their departure is no loss to Chatterford, because they have served on your entertainment staff with a proven tolerance of licentious behaviour, because if left on Earth they will soon die, and because I am still trying to determine the limits of the pink.