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a. (en-comparative of: showy)

  1. adj. marked by conspicuous display; "a cheap showy rhinestone bracelet"; "a splashy half-page ad" [syn: splashy]

  2. elaborately or excessively ornamented; "flamboyant handwriting"; "the senator's florid speech" [syn: aureate, florid, flamboyant]

  3. marked by extravagant display

  4. (used especially of clothes) marked by conspicuous display [syn: flashy, gaudy, jazzy, sporty]

  5. [also: showiest, showier]


See showy

Usage examples of "showier".

Young girls dress much more ornately than older women, you see, which means brighter colors and showier fabrics, but also a longer obi.

But a girl younger than around twenty or so wears her obi in a showier fashion.

We can see, for instance, that he prefers a showier material for his outfit than they wear.

The gourds would shatter when shot, as impressively as did the saucers, but they were a lot showier and, being all of different sizes and shapes, they would look to the crowd as if they were harder to hit.

Haloga magic was often so low-key that a Videssian, used to showier sorcery, would hardly notice it was there.

In this clashing together of day and night, nature chose to unleash one of her showier moments.