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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sfumato \Sfu*ma"to\, a. [It.] (Paint.) Having vague outlines, and colors and shades so mingled as to give a misty appearance; -- said of a painting.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1847, from Italian sfumato, literally "smoked," from Latin fumus "smoke" (see fume (n.)).


n. In painting, the application of subtle layers of translucent paint so that there is no visible transition between colors, tones and often objects.


Sfumato (, ) is one of the four canonical painting modes of Renaissance art (alongside cangiante, chiaroscuro, and unione).

Usage examples of "sfumato".

Her expression was hard to read, or had the monk's hand smudged, or age and grime bestowed a sfumato sympathy?

Crouch peered and was rewarded with a study, sfumato, of unmistakable hands ungboving themselves deftly.