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The Collaborative International Dictionary

curved \curved\ adj.

  1. not straight; having or marked by curves. Opposite of straight.

    Note: [Narrower terms: arced, arched, arching, arciform, arcuate, bowed; falcate, sickle-shaped; flexuous; incurvate, incurved: recurved, recurvate; semicircular: serpentine, snaky: sinuate, sinuous, wavy: sinusoidal]

    Syn: curving.

  2. (Botany) curved with the micropyle near the base almost touching its stalk; -- of a plant ovule. Opposite of orthotropous.

    Syn: campylotropous.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., from Latin semicirculus (see semicircle) + -ar.


a. In the shape of half of a circle or a semicircle.


adj. curved into a half circle


Usage examples of "semicircular".

Then comes a man with a pandean pipe, next another with a semicircular harp and then one with a portable organ.

Some of the French, seeing their way blocked, turned to flood into the semicircular bastion where the thirty-six pounders had stood.

A semicircular protractor of metal for measuring the inclination of vents, or for ascertaining their deviation from the guide.

A small square of paper, covered on one side with a series of squirls and angles, and criss-crossed lines, with pin-men on pin-horses, pacing a semicircular space.

Cadool hurried far into the stockyard, approaching a shoveler with a semicircular crest.

A semicircular protractor of metal for measuring the inclination of vents, or for ascertaining their deviation from the guide.

At the far end was the semicircular dais where the councilors sat, behind an elaborate, curved desk.

Even the blots of sweat on the twin cusps of her blue T-shirt are prettily semicircular.

I ventured as far as the semicircular earthworks and foot-deep ditch which marked the range of the dog's chain.

There was a grassy space for the chorus and the commoner audience, and then a few semicircular gradines cut in the turf, one alcove another, where the more honored spectators sat.

The shamans and sachems shuffled themselves into two semicircular rows, facing Stone and Gail.

Around the perimeter, interspersed with the tombs, a series of semicircular niches were hewn in the wall.

On either side it appeared hemmed in by steep and green acclivities, which, uniting near the spot where I lay, formed an abrupt and semicircular termination of grassy cliffs and precipices hundreds of feet in height, over which flowed numberless small cascades.

The justices of the peace, hastily convoked and four in number, sat on the platform, with a semicircular backing of high gray screens and a green baize barrier in front of them, so that their legs and feet were quite invisible.

The belvedere was well sited to give a semicircular panorama to the horizon, and the Beta androids appeared like minute dots on a clockface.