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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Scum \Scum\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Scummed; p. pr. & vb. n. Scumming.]

  1. To take the scum from; to clear off the impure matter from the surface of; to skim.

    You that scum the molten lead.
    --Dryden & Lee.

  2. To sweep or range over the surface of. [Obs.]

    Wandering up and down without certain seat, they lived by scumming those seas and shores as pirates.


Scumming \Scum"ming\, n.

  1. The act of taking off scum.

  2. That which is scummed off; skimmings; scum; -- used chiefly in the plural.


Etymology 1 n. 1 (context printing English) The accumulation of sticky ink on a plate. 2 (context chiefly in the plural English) That which is scummed off; skimmings; scum. Etymology 2

n. 1 (context video games derogatory English) The strategy of collecting easy rewards in unchallenging areas, e.g. when a high-level character visits levels suitable for low-level characters in roguelike games. 2 (context video games derogatory English) The act of restoring a game's save file for the purpose of continuing play with a better outcome than was obtained the first time.

  1. n. worthless people [syn: trash]

  2. a film of impurities or vegetation that can form on the surface of a liquid

  3. [also: scumming, scummed]


See scum