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a. (en-comparative of: scrawny)

  1. adj. having unattractive thinness; "a child with skinny freckled legs"; "a long scrawny neck" [syn: scraggy, skinny, underweight, weedy]

  2. inferior in size or quality; "scrawny cattle"; "scrubby cut-over pine"; "old stunted thorn trees" [syn: scrubby, stunted]

  3. [also: scrawniest, scrawnier]


See scrawny

Usage examples of "scrawnier".

Each year the corn came up scrawnier and the cucumbers yellowed before they ripened, but Simcha persisted with his planting.

Sands moved on down the street, and the garbage piled higher in the gutters and the cats grew tougher and scrawnier, and the kids grew greasier and dirtier.

The trees lining the road had become smaller and scrawnier, and at last nonexistent.