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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Scratch \Scratch\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Scratched; p. pr. & vb. n. Scratching.] [OE. cracchen (perhaps influenced by OE. scratten to scratch); cf. OHG. chrazz[=o]n, G. kratzen, OD. kratsen, kretsen, D. krassen, Sw. kratsa to scrape, kratta to rake, to scratch, Dan. kradse to scratch, to scrape, Icel. krota to engrave. Cf. Grate to rub.]

  1. To rub and tear or mark the surface of with something sharp or ragged; to scrape, roughen, or wound slightly by drawing something pointed or rough across, as the claws, the nails, a pin, or the like.

    Small sand-colored stones, so hard as to scratch glass.

    Be mindful, when invention fails, To scratch your head, and bite your nails.

  2. To write or draw hastily or awkwardly. ``Scratch out a pamphlet.''

  3. To cancel by drawing one or more lines through, as the name of a candidate upon a ballot, or of a horse in a list; hence, to erase; to efface; -- often with out.

  4. To dig or excavate with the claws; as, some animals scratch holes, in which they burrow.

    To scratch a ticket, to cancel one or more names of candidates on a party ballot; to refuse to vote the party ticket in its entirety. [U. S.]

  1. Produced by scratching. v

  2. (en-past of: scratch)


adj. having surface damage [syn: scraped]

Scratched (Jesus Jones album)

Scratched is a compilation album by Jesus Jones released in 1993 in Japan markets only, though it is heavily available as imports elsewhere. It is a collection of rarities not available on any studio albums

An obi strip features on the CD case and a sticker on the CD case advertises the band's 1993 tour in Japan.

Scratched (1916 film)

Scratched is a 1916 American short film directed by Fred Kelsey, scenario by Douglas Bronston, starring Earle Page, Irene Hunt, and Jean Hersholt.

Usage examples of "scratched".

Scratch lifted his clubfoot and scratched the other leg with the misshapen hoof.

She scratched him, then rubbed and patted Whinney, noticing dried sweat.

Instead, with a heavy winter girth of white feathers that camouflaged and warmed their bodies and made snowshoes of their feet, they endured the bitter season, feeding on seed and twigs, and when a blizzard struck, scratched out small caves in the snow to wait it out.

He scratched his beard, stretched his arms in a wide reach and opened his mouth in a terrific yawn, and then made a grimace of pain and held his head in his hands for a moment.

She left the basket carrier in place while she patted and scratched and talked to him, and then she took it off along with the thong and the hide.

He immediately jumped out and then down to the floor, sat down and scratched himself, then scampered toward his feeding dish.

Ayla whistled for Racer, a whistle different from the one she used to call Whinney, and by the time she had patted him, and scratched him, and talked to him, she was ready to face Jondalar again.

Talut kept watching the system of hollows and ravines on the high right bank across the river, comparing the actual landscape to the ivory scratched with symbols, whose meaning was still unclear to Ayla.

Mamut walked up to the entrance of the tent, which was open, and scratched on the leather.

Avarie went to the tent her brother had designated as the Mammoth Hearth, scratched on the leather, then without waiting for a response, went in.

She scratched him in his favorite places, and a low, rumbling growl let her know his pleasure.

Ayla scratched Baby on his stomach and behind his ears, until the girl walked into the waiting arms of a man, who clasped her to him with obvious relief, then led her up the path.

She hugged him and scratched him again, then with a signal that was suggestive of casting a stone with a sling, she told him to go.

Talut, Vincavec, and the leaders of some of the other Camps stopped to consult maps marked on ivory, and scratched more marks on the ground with knives, As they approached the river, they passed through the middle of a birch forest.

Desperately he scratched harder, digging his nails into his skin until he drew blood.