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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Scrape \Scrape\ (skr[=a]p), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Scraped; p. pr. & vb. n. Scraping.] [Icel. skrapa; akin to Sw. skrapa, Dan. skrabe, D. schrapen, schrabben, G. schrappen, and prob. to E. sharp.]

  1. To rub over the surface of (something) with a sharp or rough instrument; to rub over with something that roughens by removing portions of the surface; to grate harshly over; to abrade; to make even, or bring to a required condition or form, by moving the sharp edge of an instrument breadthwise over the surface with pressure, cutting away excesses and superfluous parts; to make smooth or clean; as, to scrape a bone with a knife; to scrape a metal plate to an even surface.

  2. To remove by rubbing or scraping (in the sense above).

    I will also scrape her dust from her, and make her like the top of a rock.
    --Ezek. xxvi. 4.

  3. To collect by, or as by, a process of scraping; to gather in small portions by laborious effort; hence, to acquire avariciously and save penuriously; -- often followed by together or up; as, to scrape money together.

    The prelatical party complained that, to swell a number the nonconformists did not choose, but scrape, subscribers.

  4. To express disapprobation of, as a play, or to silence, as a speaker, by drawing the feet back and forth upon the floor; -- usually with down.

    To scrape acquaintance, to seek acquaintance otherwise than by an introduction.

    He tried to scrape acquaintance with her, but failed ignominiously.
    --G. W. Cable.


vb. (en-past of: scrape)

  1. adj. having the skin scraped off; "skinned knees and scraped elbows" [syn: abraded, skinned]

  2. having surface damage [syn: scratched]

Usage examples of "scraped".

For the moment, Daniel accepted the invitation, but irritation scraped him.

Still disoriented, she stumbled and scraped her arm across the rough brick.

They went out at sunrise, the skies thick with clouds that scraped against the mountains and shut away the light.

The clouds scraped over the mountain peaks and filled the skies from horizon to horizon.

Jagged rock edges jutted out from the floor and walls of the narrow corridor and cut and scraped them as they passed.

The tunnel rose and fell in ragged slopes, and the rocks cut and scraped at them.

Clouds and mist mixed and descended to wrap them about, easing steadily downward until they scraped the earth.

He was certain the gold inlay had been scraped away, the gemstones pried out of their settings.

Saavedra turned her back on the painting, slid down to the floor, scraped her spine against the bed.

I told Don Arrigo when he asked about it, I scraped it on the stairs up to the watchtower.

Yet he saw the sign in the sketch: a tiny scratch on the back of the left hand, as if a fingernail had scraped across dried paint.

Those now seemed quite comfortable, compared to deep bruises, badly scraped skin, and cracked ribs burning with each breath.

The round grunted like a stupid animal, and scraped reluctantly over weedy dirt, while she searched for her second good stone.

Just a blank side of a mountain, scraped red-raw by the harsh weather.

The scraped skull with its fringe of sparse black hair made him blink in amazement.