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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Scraping \Scrap"ing\, n.

  1. The act of scraping; the act or process of making even, or reducing to the proper form, by means of a scraper.

  2. Something scraped off; that which is separated from a substance, or is collected by scraping; as, the scraping of the street.


Scraping \Scrap"ing\, a. Resembling the act of, or the effect produced by, one who, or that which, scrapes; as, a scraping noise; a scraping miser. -- Scrap"ing*ly, adv.


Scrape \Scrape\ (skr[=a]p), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Scraped; p. pr. & vb. n. Scraping.] [Icel. skrapa; akin to Sw. skrapa, Dan. skrabe, D. schrapen, schrabben, G. schrappen, and prob. to E. sharp.]

  1. To rub over the surface of (something) with a sharp or rough instrument; to rub over with something that roughens by removing portions of the surface; to grate harshly over; to abrade; to make even, or bring to a required condition or form, by moving the sharp edge of an instrument breadthwise over the surface with pressure, cutting away excesses and superfluous parts; to make smooth or clean; as, to scrape a bone with a knife; to scrape a metal plate to an even surface.

  2. To remove by rubbing or scraping (in the sense above).

    I will also scrape her dust from her, and make her like the top of a rock.
    --Ezek. xxvi. 4.

  3. To collect by, or as by, a process of scraping; to gather in small portions by laborious effort; hence, to acquire avariciously and save penuriously; -- often followed by together or up; as, to scrape money together.

    The prelatical party complained that, to swell a number the nonconformists did not choose, but scrape, subscribers.

  4. To express disapprobation of, as a play, or to silence, as a speaker, by drawing the feet back and forth upon the floor; -- usually with down.

    To scrape acquaintance, to seek acquaintance otherwise than by an introduction.

    He tried to scrape acquaintance with her, but failed ignominiously.
    --G. W. Cable.


n. 1 The act by which something is scraped. 2 What has been removed when something has been scraped. vb. (present participle of scrape English)

  1. n. (usually plural) a fragment scraped off of something and collected; "they collected blood scrapings for analysis"

  2. a harsh noise made by scraping; "the scrape of violin bows distracted her" [syn: scrape, scratch, scratching]

  3. a deep bow with the foot drawn backwards (indicating excessive humility); "all that bowing and scraping did not impress him" [syn: scrape]

Scraping (album)

Scraping is a live album, drawn primarily from Calexico's January 2002 concert in San Francisco's Great American Music Hall. Two tracks are from a 2001 performance at the Temple of Music and Art in Tucson AZ, while a third was recorded at the 2000 Rockslide Festival in Denmark.

The recording features several songs with the Mariachi Luz De Luna.

Usage examples of "scraping".

Blood, jiz, afterbirth, a human heart maybe, and she was scraping it off that board as if it were dried bean paste.

Mac Ard had turned in his chair, the legs scraping across the floorboards.

It appeared to be menstrual blood, but she bagged each scraping separately.

Because they were cheap, she said up scraping plates, and later, in the pall fallen over the room, the dark casements and the cold hearth, the only movement a fugitive couple kissing on the silent screen and the unascribed bleat of digestive juices you know what I never understand here?

Finding those knots still as tight as he had left them, Byar pulled at his ankle rope, scraping him across the rocky ground.

In a frenzy of scraping nails and barking, Sadie ran to Cavin, who stood there in his interstellar body armor, regarding Sadie with a hint of amusement curving his mouth as the little dog told him who was boss in the house.

Birds squabbled over the cidery crush milled under by the cart wheels, and winds whisked their burden of scraping, flying leaves, sharpened by frost off the peaks.

The scraping of the mortar as the daylong task of grinding corn began.

Remove the roast from the oven and deglaze the pan with the water, stirring and scraping the bottom.

We got it to where it could take a scraping, read your genetic code, figure all the basics out, then apply that to you when you get digitized in the tube.

For the ragged-trousered man, with practically buttonless blue shirt and greasy e-stained torn coat held together by one string-suspended cloth button, unshaven face carrying beard a half-inch long, and cloth cap on one side of shaggy, thinning half-greyed head, was scraping away, with the broken blade of a dullish looking barley knife, the rounded nubbin of what had once been the end of a loaf of bread.

He drops the durian and kicks it away, frantically scraping his hands on his jacket, trying to get the blood off his palms.

Boba Fett gave a small shrug, his shoulders scraping against the rock behind him.

In contrast, a food mill shears more cells apart by scraping them across the screen as you turn the handle, but it is possible that our precooking technique will permit the use of a food mill without fear of gumminess and produce a perfectly smooth result at the same time.

The catch included also ling, sole, whiting, dab, gurnet, oysters, crabs, whelks, cat-fish, star-fish, and a large amount of ocean scrapings.