n. (plural of scientific name English)
Usage examples of "scientific names".
But, instead of manufacturing new scientific names out of Latin and Greek, as many reputable biologists do, Beetle used English, with an occasional lapse into Portuguese, the commonest language of Amazonia.
Toby Trimen's recital of the scientific names of the creatures staging this fabulous display sounded like an incantation: 'Ceratium!
To say that De Soto, the first white man who ever saw the Mississippi River, saw it in 1542, is a remark which states a fact without interpreting it: it is something like giving the dimensions of a sunset by astronomical measurements, and cataloguing the colors by their scientific names.
It's sort of a crossover study, though most of the scientific names are in Latin.
It would have come as a great surprise to Jennifer that two hundred miles north, in the laboratories of the Stanford Primordial Slime Research Building, some graduate students were combining the very same ingredients (albeit under scientific names) in a climate-controlled vat, in an attempt to replicate the original conditions in which life had first evolved on Earth.
But she was still in a condition to which the psychiatrists gave a variety of scientific names but which had been called simple in Deptford.
They had a lot of scientific names, but they soon became known by their nicknames.
But, instead of manufacturing new scientific names out of Latin and Greek, as many reputable biologists do, Beetle used English, with an occasional lapse into PortuÂ.
They dropped off Madame Vorsoisson first, at her aunt and uncle's home near the University, with many promises that she would stop in at Vorkosigan House on the morrow and help Enrique look up the scientific names of all his new botanical samples.
They all had nice impressive scientific names, though right now he couldn't think of the brown bear's.