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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Saw \Saw\, v. t. [imp. Sawed; p. p. Sawed or Sawn; p. pr. & vb. n. Sawing.]

  1. To cut with a saw; to separate with a saw; as, to saw timber or marble.

  2. To form by cutting with a saw; as, to saw boards or planks, that is, to saw logs or timber into boards or planks; to saw shingles; to saw out a panel.

  3. Also used figuratively; as, to saw the air.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

strong past participle of saw (v.), attested from c.1400.


vb. (past participle of saw English)

  1. v. cut with a saw; "saw wood for the fireplace"

  2. [also: sawn]

  1. n. a condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many people [syn: proverb, adage, byword]

  2. hand tool having a toothed blade for cutting

  3. a power tool for cutting wood [syn: power saw, sawing machine]

  4. [also: sawn]

  1. See see

  2. [also: sawn]


See saw

Usage examples of "sawn".

He and Sawn approached, weapons pointed forward, as the balloons slowly deflated.

The spikes were sawn through and filed flat so that no pincers could gain sufficient purchase to draw them free.

If you are a Coffin, you were sawn out of no wishy-washy elm-board, but right heart-of-oak.

The frame was sawn from sections of whale rib, pegged together and tied with sinews.

The sidewalks were masonry eighteen inches thick, sawn from the same black basalt as the rest of the castle.

This was black in colour and completely featureless, like a muddy football, and the top part of the cranium had been sawn away and the brain removed.

There were some mild groans in the crowd and Mike saw Sawn, one of the team leaders, collecting money.

When the mill was in operation sawn lumber was fed into the timber dock by a long row of live rollers.

Take a fire team of Keldara shooters from Team Sawn with you for security.

A group from Team Sawn was conveniently near the north road, while being well out of sight behind a ridge, so he put the SUV in gear and headed out.

Chechens, Sawn gathered the group into a cigar-shaped perimeter and had them drop their rucksacks.

However, Sawn had obviously chosen the downhill side for more than one reason.

For the back of the safe had been made of a panel of chipboard which the burglar had simply sawn through.

Jock had impacted roots and the tooth should have been sawn in half and then taken out a bit at a time.

Chechens, Sawn gathered the group into a cigar shaped perimeter and had them drop their rucksacks.