Crossword clues for satraps
n. (plural of satrap English)
Usage examples of "satraps".
The satraps, whom he was obliged to trust, embraced the first opportunity of regaining the affection of their countrymen, and of signalizing their immortal hatred to the Persian name.
The official position is that the local authorities have to get the permission of the other satraps in advance before letting us enter their territories, but that doesn't hold water.
All of the satraps upriver from here—starting with Wio—charge extortionate tolls for goods to move through them, and Kirsti resents hell out of the way that subsidizes the other satrapies' merchant classes.
But the satraps apparently engage in a certain amount of somewhat ritualistic warfare to settle disputes.
If we back his coup, we use our better position and his raiding forces to move up through the other satraps and take the port.
Other satraps sent messages to other locations, and he picked up most of those, as well.
I've heard Loford say that if the Satraps live for many years, growing stronger in their evil, it sometimes happens that they are summoned East at last, to stay.
Yet he had heard of other Satraps who doubtless had been as firmly seated and still had been overthrown by intrigues in their own households-Som the Dead never seemed to care, if the usurpers served him with equal or greater dedication.
There were recurring whispers on the wind saying that some one of the coastal Satraps might soon be promoted to a position of suzerainty over all the others.
Chup's wizards had heard hints that one of the Satraps here along the coast might soon be raised to such an eminence.
On legs as springy as a youth's he bounded down one flight, passing visiting Satraps who were reeling upward in retreat, grim-faced and bloody in their battle-harness.
During the fighting all the Ladies of the visiting Satraps had been gathered here for safety, here amid the mocking gaiety of massed flowers, in the rooms that were to have been tonight a bridal suite.
When he was not dictating, the clerks would read him reports from satraps, king’s eyes, councilors of state, ambassadors.
The matching of satraps, who are relatively independent, with army commanders, who are directly subject to the Great King, is a subtle art.
Although the great hall of the hundred columns was still unfinished, Xerxes held court there and all the satraps from every part of the empire, as well as the nobles, officials, clan leaders each paid him homage with a flower.