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Sankalpa is a film- architecture installation by the artists Shekhar Kapur and David Adjaye shown at Swarovski Crystal Worlds in Austria.

The title Sankalpa is taken from Indian yoga-thought where the Sanskrit word sankalpa (Hindu thought) means "resolution", "free will" and "imagination". The installation is an interpretation of the short film Passage by Shekhar Kapur, which is projected through Adjayes's faceted architecture.


Sankalpa ( Sanskrit: संकल्प) means conception or idea or notion formed in the heart or mind, solemn vow or determination to perform, desire, definite intention, volition or will. In practical terms, the word, Sankalpa, means the one-pointed resolve to do or achieve; and both psychologically and philosophically, it is the first practical step by which the sensitivity and potentiality of the mind is increased; it is known as the capacity to harness the will-power and the tool to focus and harmonise the complex body-mind apparatus.