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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ He graduated from the womb when he was nineteen or so and the best player in the sandlot.
▪ Personally, I think the Buffaloes play sandlot baseball.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

sandlot \sand"lot\, Sand-lot \Sand"-lot`\, a.

  1. Lit., of or pert. to a lot or piece of sandy ground, -- hence, pert. to, or characteristic of, the policy or practices of the socialistic or communistic followers of the Irish agitator Denis Kearney, who delivered many of his speeches in the open sand lots about San Francisco; as, the

    sand-lot constitution of California, framed in 1879, under the influence of sand-lot agitation.

  2. of or pertaining to a sandlot; -- used especially in reference to informal games played by children; as, sandlot baseball.


sandlot \sand"lot\ (s[a^]nd"l[o^]t), n. a vacant lot, especially one where children play games.


n. A vacant lot where children play.


n. a vacant lot used by city boys to play games


Sandlot may refer to:

  • The Sandlot, a 1993 film about young baseball players, and its sequels
    • The Sandlot 2, a 2005 film
    • The Sandlot: Heading Home, a 2007 film
  • Sandlot (company), a Japanese game developer
  • Sandlot Games, developer of Cake Mania
  • Sandlot Observatory (H36) in Scranton, Kansas, US
  • Sandlot ball, ball game that generally follows the basic rules of baseball
Sandlot (company)

Sandlot is a Japanese video game developer that is known for its very unusual and inventive control and gameplay mechanics. The company was founded in March 2001 and is composed of former employees from Human Entertainment.

Usage examples of "sandlot".

The beer bottles were twelve-ounce stubbies, the little fat ones you never see anywhere but at clambakes and sandlot ball games.

The coal ashes and sandlots held concealed traps of rusty nails, broken glass, and rat droppings.

Traffic was fairly heavy even at this early hour, when most of Southie drowsed or marked time until the last Mass let out and the sandlot ballgames got underway and the taverns opened.

We were back there playing sandlot ball and dreaming of making the minor leagues, while preparing to give up the game and get real jobs.

The male sat on the wooden edge of a sandlot, tubbing his eyes and combing the fur below his chin.