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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
constant/round-the-clock care (=all day and all night)
▪ He needs round-the-clock care.
round-the-clock weather reports
▪ Delicate little Louise, requiring round-the-clock, year-long, life-long protection.
▪ Eventually, they say, they want to create the round-the-clock convenience of the suburbs.
▪ It has been a hectic three years, operating a round-the-clock snack bar, and restaurant service for 17 hours every day.
▪ It is accessed by personal computer and offers a free, round-the-clock service.
▪ Just over a year later, it went to a round-the-clock service.
▪ People prefer gas for its reliability, controllability and round-the-clock economy.
▪ Working in prisons, with the need for round-the-clock supervision poses particular problems for women who also carry traditional domestic responsibilities.

a. continuously, all day long. From the concept that it happens while the hands of the clock go all the way around.


adj. at all times; "around-the-clock nursing care" [syn: around-the-clock, day-and-night, nonstop]

Usage examples of "round-the-clock".

He commanded the holovision to activate and turned to a round-the-clock news station to see if the incident at the Baltimore airport had been reported yet.

It was calving season, a round-the-clock operation in brutal weather that took its toll on man and beast.

When calving season arrived, it was a time of round-the-clock work in invariably miserable conditions.

In such a state it was at the mercy of nocturnal organosilicate predators and scavengers, who instead of the sun relied on a round-the-clock production of chemical energy.

Let him have his men keep a round-the-clock watch on the house to see that Hartnell stays put.

I'm having a round-the-clock watch kept on it, so if he does we'll know, and can go in and get him.

You will establish a full, round-the-clock watch on Lentrall--and you will prepare a contingency plan to kidnap him and hold him.

He had been recalled from the Puerto Rico mission because SAC's Commander in Chief, General Hawker, felt that in this newest crisis senior members of his Operations and Intelligence staffs should maintain a round-the-clock watch.

With the crew working in round-the-clock shifts again, the sheared-off laboratory section was rebuilt in three days.

Working four thousand men in round-the-clock shifts, he finished the novel vessels in one hundred days, several months before the Monitor and Merrimack duel in Hampton Roads.

You had to know the man to know what the word concealed: a morbid, obsessive dread of fire, which had taken root with that small kitchen blaze and grown till not even live-in help, and finally not even round-the-clock nursing care, could reassure him.

He easily entered the nursing homes as just another old person in need of round-the-clock attention.

Lady Rosario has him in a maximum-security ward with handpicked Wasps watching him round-the-clock, and Captain Okanami thinks he'll pull through, but he'll be hospitalized for months.

Living in a deep, dark environment where the sun never shined had created a round-the-clock urban culture.