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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Ms. Jennings requires around-the-clock medical care.
▪ I prepared an around-the-clock chart detailing all my care requirements.
▪ She will need around-the-clock care for the rest of her life.
▪ Verio provides around-the-clock network monitoring and technical support with all promotional packages.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

around-the-clock \around-the-clock\ adj. 1. 1 proceeding without interruption for twenty four hours every day. around-the-clock nursing care

Syn: day-and-night, nonstop, round-the-clock, twenty four hours a day.


a. All day and night; all of the time.


adj. at all times; "around-the-clock nursing care" [syn: day-and-night, nonstop, round-the-clock]

Usage examples of "around-the-clock".

Ogden, Utah, factory went to around-the-clock shifts, turning out flamingo-pink butyl rubber gasproof suits outfitted with what appeared to be corkscrew antennas in the seat area.

Setting up a death camp, with its railroad sidings and its around-the-clock crematoria, was not something a moron could do.

And although no cop, vigilante, or even teen-ager with a slingshot ever spent five minutes on guard at the dump, at the end of a week Onofre Martinez dictated a letter to Jon Nickerson from Sammy Cantu, elaborately explaining that unfortunately an around-the-clock vigil had netted no culprits.

In a major innovation for the intelligence community, Intelink even offers secret, around-the-clock chat rooms with the program WebChat.

According to the story, two McGovern operatives were instantly dispatched to keep around-the-clock watch on the plane for the next seventy-two hours, and somebody from McGovern headquarters called Humphrey and warned him that they knew what he was up to.

If the cream of the Iraqi Army came out of their bunkers haggard and with arms raised during the Coalition ground offensive, it was in part because their nerves had been shattered and their morale broken by around-the-clock pounding from B-52s.

The road shut, Kassi's ponderous mountain guns began an around-the-clock shelling of Gan Dafna from Fort Esther.

Hunter and his staff are safely confined to Pearl Harbor, working around-the-clock in an attempt to clear up the puzzle.

Some stayed rooted for days, even several days, sleeping off long, around-the-clock stints at work.