Rondonanthus is a genus of plants in the Eriocaulaceae. It endemic to northern South America.
- Rondonanthus acopanensis (Moldenke) Hensold & Giul. - Bolívar State of Venezuela
- Rondonanthus capillaceus (Klotzsch ex Körn.) Hensold & Giul. - Bolívar and Amazonas States of Venezuela; Guyana, northern Brazil
- Rondonanthus caulescens (Moldenke) Hensold & Giul. - Aprada-tepui of Venezuela
- Rondonanthus duidae (Gleason) Hensold & Giul - Bolívar and Amazonas States of Venezuela; northern Brazil
- Rondonanthus flabelliformis (Moldenke) Hensold & Giul. - Toronó-tepui of Venezuela
- Rondonanthus roraimae (Oliv.) Herzog - Mt. Roraima along Venezuela/Guyana border