Rockcod is a term applied to several unrelated fishes, which all look roughly cod-like and live among rocky habitat. Most are of some importance in fisheries.
In the codling family ( Moridae):
- Lotella rhacina, the Rock Cod proper
In the cod icefish family ( Nototheniidae)
- Eleginops
- Notothenia
- Paranotothenia
- Trematomus
In the grouper family ( Serranidae):
- Epinephelus
- Cephalopholis
"Rockcods" is also an alternate name for the thornyhead family ( Sebastidae).
Image:Lotella rhacina.jpg| Rock Cod
Lotella rhacina
Moridae Image:Emerald rockcod, Trematomus bernacchii.jpg| Emerald Rockcod
Trematomus bernacchii
Nototheniidae Image:Epinephelus merra2.jpg| Honeycomb Rockcod
Epinephelus merra
Serranidae Image:Sebastes miniatus.jpg| Vermilion Rockcod
Sebastes miniatus
Usage examples of "rockcod".
And south they went, along roads that steadily grew worse, through the dairy country of Langlois and through thick pine forests to Port Orford, where Saxon picked jeweled agates on the beach while Billy caught enormous rockcod.