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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
ring finger
▪ According to Winston, men generally have a longer ring finger than index finger.
▪ Dunne has a dislocated ring finger on his right hand.
▪ In November 1991, Jones suffered ligament and joint damage to his left ring finger in a dirt-bike accident.
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Ring finger

Ring \Ring\, n. [AS. hring, hrinc; akin to Fries. hring, D. & G. ring, OHG. ring, hring, Icel. hringr, DAn. & SW. ring; cf. Russ. krug'. Cf. Harangue, Rank a row, Rink.] A circle, or a circular line, or anything in the form of a circular line or hoop. 2. Specifically, a circular ornament of gold or other precious material worn on the finger, or attached to the ear, the nose, or some other part of the person; as, a wedding ring. Upon his thumb he had of gold a ring. --Chaucer. The dearest ring in Venice will I give you. --Shak. 3. A circular area in which races are or run or other sports are performed; an arena. Place me, O, place me in the dusty ring, Where youthful charioteers contend for glory. --E. Smith. 4. An inclosed space in which pugilists fight; hence, figuratively, prize fighting. ``The road was an institution, the ring was an institution.'' --Thackeray. 5. A circular group of persons. And hears the Muses in a ring Aye round about Jove's alter sing. --Milton. 6. (Geom.)

  1. The plane figure included between the circumferences of two concentric circles.

  2. The solid generated by the revolution of a circle, or other figure, about an exterior straight line (as an axis) lying in the same plane as the circle or other figure. 7. (Astron. & Navigation) An instrument, formerly used for taking the sun's altitude, consisting of a brass ring suspended by a swivel, with a hole at one side through which a solar ray entering indicated the altitude on the graduated inner surface opposite. 8. (Bot.) An elastic band partly or wholly encircling the spore cases of ferns. See Illust. of Sporangium. 9. A clique; an exclusive combination of persons for a selfish purpose, as to control the market, distribute offices, obtain contracts, etc. The ruling ring at Constantinople. --E. A. Freeman. Ring armor, armor composed of rings of metal. See Ring mail, below, and Chain mail, under Chain. Ring blackbird (Zo["o]l.), the ring ousel. Ring canal (Zo["o]l.), the circular water tube which surrounds the esophagus of echinoderms. Ring dotterel, or Ringed dotterel. (Zo["o]l.) See Dotterel, and Illust. of Pressiroster. Ring dropper, a sharper who pretends to have found a ring (dropped by himself), and tries to induce another to buy it as valuable, it being worthless. Ring fence. See under Fence. Ring finger, the third finger of the left hand, or the next the little finger, on which the ring is placed in marriage. Ring formula (Chem.), a graphic formula in the shape of a closed ring, as in the case of benzene, pyridine, etc. See Illust. under Benzene. Ring mail, a kind of mail made of small steel rings sewed upon a garment of leather or of cloth. Ring micrometer. (Astron.) See Circular micrometer, under Micrometer. Saturn's rings. See Saturn. Ring ousel. (Zo["o]l.) See Ousel. Ring parrot (Zo["o]l.), any one of several species of Old World parrakeets having a red ring around the neck, especially Pal[ae]ornis torquatus, common in India, and Pal[ae]ornis Alexandri of Java. Ring plover. (Zo["o]l.)

    1. The ringed dotterel.

    2. Any one of several small American plovers having a dark ring around the neck, as the semipalmated plover ( [AE]gialitis semipalmata). Ring snake (Zo["o]l.), a small harmless American snake ( Diadophis punctatus) having a white ring around the neck. The back is ash-colored, or sage green, the belly of an orange red. Ring stopper. (Naut.) See under Stopper. Ring thrush (Zo["o]l.), the ring ousel. The prize ring, the ring in which prize fighters contend; prize fighters, collectively. The ring.

      1. The body of sporting men who bet on horse races.

      2. The prize ring.

ring finger

n. Finger between middle finger and little finger; the "third finger" (UK) or the "fourth finger" (US), especially of the left hand. ('''The''' ring finger is the left hand; '''a''' ring finger is either hand.)

ring finger

n. the third finger (especially of the left hand) [syn: annualry]

Ring finger

The ring finger is the fourth proximal digit of the human hand, and the second most ulnar finger, located between the middle finger and the little finger. It is also called digitus medicinalis, the fourth finger, digitus annularis, digitus quartus, or digitus IV in anatomy. It may also be referred to as the third finger.

Usage examples of "ring finger".

Automatically, he slipped it over the ring finger of his left hand, and held it up to the last sunbeam, a golden slice of light that penetrated the room's shutters and made a bright line on the wall.

Jim put his grandmother's ring on the ring finger of her left hand, then stood and took her gently into his arms.

In the same class I should put the secret parts of a few women and young girls, my own pecker, the plaster watering can of the boy Jesus, and the ring finger which scarcely two years ago that dog found in a rye field and brought to me, which a year ago I was still allowed to keep, in a preserving jar to be sure where I couldn't get at it, yet so distinct and complete that to this day I can still feel and count each one of its joints with the help of my drumsticks.

When she awakened, Didi had finished the application of disinfectant and was completing the splint on Laura's ring finger, pulling it out straight and bandaging one of the sticks along Laura's palm and finger.

It was too large for my ring finger, so I slipped the ring on my first finger.

She felt sure of the power of the ring, but once mounted she could not concentrate on her ring finger.