, stylized as RIDEBACK or RideBack, is a Japanese manga series created by TetsurÅ Kasahara. It was serialized in Shogakukan's monthly Ikki magazine from March 2003 to January 2009, spanning a total of ten volumes. Set in Japan in 2020, it follows the story of female student Rin Ogata as she comes across a two-wheeled automobile robot known as a Rideback. In 2009, it was adapted into an anime TV series by Madhouse. At Anime Central 2010, anime distributor Funimation announced that they have licensed the series for North America with its release planned for 2011.
"RIDEBACK" is the fifth single of I've Sound singer, Mell. It was released on March 4, 2009 which serves as the opening theme for the anime series Rideback. The single has a Japanese version, a remix version and the instrumental version of the title track in addition to the original English track.
The single came in a regular CD-only edition (GNCV-0016) and a limited CD+DVD edition (GNCV-0015) which contained the PV for RIDEBACK.