Rhodolirium is a small South American genus in the Hippeastreae tribe of the Amaryllidaceae family. Although originally described by Philippi in 1858 it has long remained buried in other taxa, principally Hippeastrum and more recently Rhodophiala. Only in recent years has it been rehabilitated.
Restoring the genus was first proposed by Naranjo & Poggio (2000), and accepted by Ravenna in 2003, although he used the name Rhodolirion, originally used by Baker (1878) in his very broad construction of Hippeastrum including both Rhodophiala and "Rhodolirion". He also renamed Rhodolirium andinum as Hippeastrum rhodolirion. Later he elevated Rhodolirion to the status of subgenus, with H. rhodolirion (subsequently Rhodophiala rhodolirion) as the type species . Subsequently the genus has been treated as part of Rhodophiala.