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vb. (en-simple past of: rewrite)

  1. n. something that has been written again; "the rewrite was much better" [syn: revision, rescript]

  2. [also: rewrote, rewritten]

  1. v. write differently; alter the writing of; "The student rewrote his thesis"

  2. rewrite so as to make fit to suit a new or different purpose; "re-write a play for use in schools"

  3. [also: rewrote, rewritten]


See rewrite

Usage examples of "rewrote".

He wrote and destroyed and rewrote, erased and substituted, until, as near as he could, he had said what he intended, so at least as it should not be mistaken for what he did not intend, which is the main problem in writing.

He rewrote the memo and posted its contents to IS, the internal security unit.

Then he mentally underlined the last sentence three times, rewrote it in huge letters in red ink, and circled it before putting a number of exclamation marks next to it in his mental margin.

Marie rewrote it, cutting it down to the current version and making it more legible.