n. an evangelistic meeting intended to reawaken interest in religion [syn: revival]
A revival meeting is a series of Christian religious services held to inspire active members of a church body to gain new converts. Nineteenth-century Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon said, "Many blessings may come to the unconverted in consequence of a revival among Christians, but the revival itself has to do only with those who already possess spiritual life." These meetings are usually conducted by churches or missionary organizations throughout the world. Notable historic revival meetings were conducted in the US by evangelist Billy Sunday and in Wales by evangelist Evan Roberts.
Usage examples of "revival meeting".
SAN DIEGO: A near riot broke out at an outdoor revival meeting in Marineland of the Pacific last night as followers of Urban Evangelist Willie Wilson clashed with UFO fans who had infiltrated Rev.
If the Rev didn't hold a revival meeting right soon and find himself a new Prettyboy, business was going to fall off something wicked.
He began to rock back and forth on the seat of the electric cart like a convert at a revival meeting.
He had come direct from a negro church twenty miles away, where a revival meeting was in nightly progress.
He remembered seeing him in Georgia, at a revival meeting, a rural stump religion circus of screaming and Hallelujahs that sounded like !
Once, after a big revival meeting, he said, The life of man is divided into two seasons: Geese is here.
Once at a revival meeting, I heard a preacher say, 'Faith is when you hear the bird singing before the egg is hatched.
Watson ignored him as a preacher would a late-comer to a revival meeting.
When he was nineteen, he had attended a revival meeting with Bob Allwood.
Harry had walked into a revival meeting for one of the most bizarre heresies ever to strike the Five Galaxies!