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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ I found myself in front of the reticulated python.
▪ The octagonal nave piers have no capitals and ascend to carry the reticulated nave vault above.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Reticulate \Re*tic"u*late\, Reticulated \Re*tic"u*la`ted\, a.

  1. Resembling network; having the form or appearance of a net; netted; as, a reticulated structure.

  2. Having veins, fibers, or lines crossing like the threads or fibers of a network; as, a reticulate leaf; a reticulated surface; a reticulated wing of an insect.

    Reticulated glass, ornamental ware made from glass in which one set of white or colored lines seems to meet and interlace with another set in a different plane.

    Reticulated micrometer, a micrometer for an optical instrument, consisting of a reticule in the focus of an eyepiece.

    Reticulated work (Masonry), work constructed with diamond-shaped stones, or square stones placed diagonally.


a. Characterized by or having the form of a grid or network.


adj. resembling or forming a network; "the reticulate veins of a leaf"; "a reticulated highway system" [syn: reticulate, reticular] [ant: nonreticulate]


Usage examples of "reticulated".

There was more genius in it than in any structure of the kind I have ever seen,--each length being of a special pattern, ramified, reticulated, contorted, as the limbs of the trees had grown.

Their hides were clothing enough, a mottled pattern of golds and rusts that reminded him of something between a diamondback rattlesnake and a reticulated giraffe.

The bioengineered plant life hardly showed through the ruddy soil, except to give an occasional greenish tinge to a ridge or depression, or to form a faint reticulated pattern along fractures where water had collected.

Ahead, the highway ran straight through a seemingly endless expanse of shopping malls and reticulated lawns.

Dressed in a cotehardie of red velvet edged with fur, a kirtle of rich baudekyn, a cloak of blue-green velvet worked with a design in gold and lined with ermine, a reticulated headdress ornamented with goldsmith's work and jewels, and a hip-belt of square brooches and jewels, from which depended an aulmoniere with a baselard thrust through it, alongside a hand-mirror and a pair of pincers, Dianella looked fair in the most splendid degree, although, by the frown on her brow, she was clearly unsettled.

As the human image dissolved into a rectangular cubelike shape with numerous reticulated legs and arms, human beings had their first inkling of the fantastic danger that threatened.

In one of the few documented cases of its kind, a 31-foot reticulated python is known to have eaten a 14-year-old boy on the island of Salebabu, in Indonesia.

Jerking the limp body off the ground, the forty-foot-long reticulated python that was Samm shook the body like a rag-doll even as a massive coil wrapped itself around the deceased's outraged, poisonous sister Kelfeth.

It was a reticulated python which looked to be longer than the height of five men.

I spent half a day in the Zoo, marvelling at the great thirty-eight foot reticulated python that had amazed the world when Funyatti captured it live in the Sumatran jungles in '02.

I had been a collection of squalid hovels, built of scrap lumber ant wattle poles and old iron sheets, flattened paraffin cans and tarpape on the bleak open veld, a place of open drains and cesspools, lacking reticulated water or electricity, without schools or clinics or police protection, not even recognized as human habitation by the white city fathers in Johannesburg's town hall.

As it hovered above the pad its trailing mesh shifted and drew forward, one part curling above like a scorpion's tail, the other forming a reticulated cradle beneath, onto which the craft slowly sank and was still.