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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Reticulated work

Reticulate \Re*tic"u*late\, Reticulated \Re*tic"u*la`ted\, a.

  1. Resembling network; having the form or appearance of a net; netted; as, a reticulated structure.

  2. Having veins, fibers, or lines crossing like the threads or fibers of a network; as, a reticulate leaf; a reticulated surface; a reticulated wing of an insect.

    Reticulated glass, ornamental ware made from glass in which one set of white or colored lines seems to meet and interlace with another set in a different plane.

    Reticulated micrometer, a micrometer for an optical instrument, consisting of a reticule in the focus of an eyepiece.

    Reticulated work (Masonry), work constructed with diamond-shaped stones, or square stones placed diagonally.