Crossword clues for resolutely
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Resolutely \Res"o*lute*ly\, adv. In a resolute manner; with fixed purpose; boldly; firmly; steadily; with perseverance.
Some . . . facts he examines, some he resolutely
adv. In a resolute manner.
adv. showing firm determination or purpose; "she resolutely refused to look at him or speak to him"; "he entered the building resolutely" [ant: irresolutely]
with firmness; "`I will come along,' she said decisively" [syn: decisively] [ant: indecisively]
Usage examples of "resolutely".
Resolutely I turned away from him and marched at the blue painted gate as if it were truly a hole in the wall -- -- And arrived in the white room of Joy Hall!
Lovers in like manner live on their capital from failure of income: they, too, for the sake of stifling apprehension and piping to the present hour, are lavish of their stock, so as rapidly to attenuate it: they have their fits of intoxication in view of coming famine: they force memory into play, love retrospectively, enter the old house of the past and ravage the larder, and would gladly, even resolutely, continue in illusion if it were possible for the broadest honey-store of reminiscences to hold out for a length of time against a mortal appetite: which in good sooth stands on the alternative of a consumption of the hive or of the creature it is for nourishing.
And since al gret enterpryses oughte to bee sodeynly and resolutely prosequuted, therefore thys oughte to bee done and executed at furthest in harveste nexte.
Rachel Lake resolutely snatched the thick, bluish sheet of scrivenery, with its handsome margins, and red ink lines, from before him, and tore it across and across, with the quickness of terror, and in fewer seconds than one could fancy, it lay about the floor and grate in pieces little bigger than dominoes.
As it slid aside, Qiscep strode through resolutely, as if equivocation were as alien to him as the suppurating surface of Hivehom.
Resolutely, I page through inflamed udders and jaundiced livers and suppurating gums just to remain safely inside my shell and marinate in righteous indignation.
Weary and bemused, she made a bag of her own talma, pulled the hood well over her head, and resolutely thought about catching rabbits until she fell asleep.
Huge oars like golden fins projected from her sides and dipped lazily every now and then, apparently wielded by the hands of invisible rowers, whose united voices supplied the lack of the needful wind,--and as he caught sight of this cumbrously quaint galley, Theos, moved by sudden interest, elbowed his way resolutely though the dense crowd till he gained the edge of the embankment, where leaning against the marble balustrade, he watched with a curious fascination its gradual advance.
One afternoon, when I had listened,--it was impossible not to listen, with cottonless ears,--and then laughed and listened again, with an idle pen in my hand, during a particularly spirited and personal conversation, I reached for my hat, and, taking blotting-book and all under my arm, I resolutely fled further temptation, and walked out past the fragrant green garden and up the dusty road.
I adopted Epicureanism and have remained resolutely neutral all my political life.
She hesitated, then, resolutely turning her back on them, she began to make her way up the empty track past a dusty fingerpost labelling yet more tombs, and, her shoes slipping on the dust and stones, she scrambled on upwards away from the crowds.
Italy seemed to be Florence, thanks to the genius of Gonfaloniere Soderini, who had kept his city-state out of the quarrels, alliances, wars, resolutely holding to the middle ground, offering refuge to both the papal and French soldiers, refusing to house the Pisa Council of protest over Julius, but not attempting to keep it out of Pisa by force.
The doctor bowed and smiled and accepted congratulations on all sides but strode on resolutely, answering no questions, with Anne and Jassy trailing in his wake.
The old man touched the guild token and stared distastefully into the bloody box, Maranta stuffed all her fingers into her mouth, Coreon stared at the box, and Syne stared at Culdyn, who looked resolutely across the room, lips tight.
For long seconds they strained together until at last she turned resolutely away.