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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Indecisively \In`de*ci"sive*ly\, adv. Without decision.


adv. In an indecisive manner.

  1. adv. lacking firmness or resoluteness; "`I don't know,' he said indecisively" [ant: decisively]

  2. without finality; inconclusively; "the battle ended indecisively; neither side had clearly won but neither side admitted defeat" [ant: decisively]

Usage examples of "indecisively".

But now John Kennedy had allowed events to drift toward an even more explosive outcome, and as his brother dueled indecisively by phone with Governor Barnett, the ghosts of the old South were rising from the clay soil and recapturing the state of Mississippi.

The wild pig glared belligerently at him, shuffled indecisively, then ignored him, and burrowing his snout into the soft earth, headed back into the brush.