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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Resistive \Re*sist"ive\ (-?v), a. Serving to resist.
--B. Jonsosn.


a. 1 (context physics English) resist the passage of electrical current 2 Tending to resist

  1. adj. exhibiting or relating to electrical resistance; "resistive load"

  2. disposed to or engaged in defiance of established authority [syn: insubordinate, resistant]

Usage examples of "resistive".

If a resistive human had fought Influence half so valiantly, the luren would have little chance in public.

Be especially careful if you have any of these personality traits: (a) compulsiveness --perfectionistic, unemotional, over-controlled--because they come unglued when they backslide, (b) dependency--indecisive, clinging--because they go back to drugs when others abandon them, (c) passive-aggressiveness --resistive, procrastinating, blaming--because they drive others away and then can't handle their own anger, (d) self-centeredness --egotistical, pushy--because they don't admit their problems, and (e) rebelliousness --impulsive, antisocial--because they resent anyone offering help.

Resistive to the myxo and ever more sophisticated about the assorted menaces of the caverns, they routed out the underworld creatures Chthon sent against them.

Fisk forced a message down along the resistive nerve tissue of his right arm and the arm convulsed a bit, pulling the wheel around just that necessary fraction.