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n. (plural of resistant English)


The Resistants, also known as Mutant Force, are a fictional supervillain group in the Marvel Comics universe. They were originally the second incarnation of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, but have become completely independent of the other incarnations of that group. They were originally gathered by Magneto.

Usage examples of "resistants".

As we are the only Susceptible Resistants in freedom, the safety of the entire province may depend on us.

Here he arrived with a bouquet of flowers, and a guide, touched by the gesture of the Englishman to the guide's onetime «fellow Resistants, gave him an exhaustive tour of the shrine and a running commentary.

Private meditation at the shrine of the martyred resistants at Montvalerien at 12.

Our weak strains had not been killed off gradually through hundreds of generations until only the resistants were left.