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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Repel \Re**pel"\ (r?-p?l"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Repelled (-p?ld"); p. pr. & vb. n. Repelling.] [L. repellere, repulsum; pref. re- re- + pellere to drive. See Pulse a beating, and cf. Repulse, Repeal.]

  1. To drive back; to force to return; to check the advance of; to repulse as, to repel an enemy or an assailant.

    Hippomedon repelled the hostile tide.

    They repelled each other strongly, and yet attracted each other strongly.

  2. To resist or oppose effectually; as, to repel an assault, an encroachment, or an argument.

    [He] gently repelled their entreaties.

    Syn: Tu repulse; resist; oppose; reject; refuse.


vb. (en-past of: repel)

  1. v. cause to move back by force or influence; "repel the enemy"; "push back the urge to smoke"; "beat back the invaders" [syn: drive, repulse, force back, push back, beat back] [ant: attract]

  2. be repellent to; cause aversion in [syn: repulse] [ant: attract]

  3. force or drive back; "repel the attacker"; "fight off the onslaught"; "rebuff the attack" [syn: repulse, fight off, rebuff, drive back]

  4. reject outright and bluntly; "She snubbed his proposal" [syn: rebuff, snub]

  5. fill with distaste; "This spoilt food disgusts me" [syn: disgust, gross out, revolt]

  6. [also: repelling, repelled]


See repel

Usage examples of "repelled".

Undoubtedly Mnementh had been as repelled by the dragon, as a man like F'lar would be by the rider-unrider, Lessa corrected herself, sardonically glancing at the drowsing S'lel.

They assembled in arms, repelled the invaders, and rejoiced in the important discovery of their own strength.

The Huns still threatened their revolted subjects, but their hasty attack was repelled by the single forces of Walamir, and the news of his victory reached the distant camp of his brother in the same auspicious moment that the favorite concubine of Theodemir was delivered of a son and heir.

He was repelled by miracle: his elephant would not advance, but knelt down before the sacred place.

That city, if we may credit the resemblance of name and character, was the famous Azimuntium, ^36 which had alone repelled the tempest of Attila.

It is true, indeed, that the text of Procopius ascribes the double deliverance of Edessa to the wealth and valor of her citizens, who purchased the absence and repelled the assaults of the Persian monarch.

The majesty of the Byzantine throne repelled and survived their disorderly attacks.

The surface of the stranger was not actually black, but a matte charcoal colour that probably repelled certain wavelengths of radiation or light.

The gentle, sophisticated Sainians were both amused and repelled that humans could so prize what was essentially .

The mages warded themselves with shields that barely repelled the missiles.

She was both attracted to and repelled by his domineering, high-handed manner, and yet he represented a challenge to her.

Hope springs eternal, she thought with amusement, but she was reasonably sure Patti would have repelled any offers of male assistance.

Lytol was, after all, a former dragonman and had savagely repelled one attack already.

Kylara was a fine looking female, but there was a hard ruthlessness about her that repelled him.

Even thinking about his earlier self with its disgusting self-pity and weaknesses repelled him.