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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
repeal a law (=officially end a law)
▪ Many people want the law to be repealed.
repeal an act (=officially end it)
▪ The Act was repealed by the incoming Labour government.
▪ Parliamentary sovereignty is still intact in so far as Parliament can still repeal the act committing us to entry.
▪ Now Congress is primed to repeal the Housing Act of 1937 by enacting a series of sweeping reforms.
▪ Therefore, we intend to repeal the Act when alternative regulations governing working times are in place.
▪ What, then, is the effect of the repealing Act upon the case before us?
▪ I will veto any attempt to repeal the assault weapons ban or the Brady bill.
▪ He still stands for repealing the assault weapons ban.
▪ A resolution to repeal the ban, sponsored by Rep.
▪ I will veto any attempt to repeal the assault weapons ban or the Brady bill.
▪ He still stands for repealing the assault weapons ban.
▪ The House bill repeals the current housing law, while the Senate bill repeals only parts of it and rewrites others.
▪ Lawmakers approved a bill repealing the tax in 1979, but Gov.
▪ No special procedures are required for amending or repealing such laws.
▪ DeLay spokesman Tony Rudy later explained that DeLay meant that Congress had not repealed whole laws.
▪ There is a movement afoot to draft legislation that would repeal the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings law.
▪ Wilson Would repeal the state law requiring counties to operate the program.
▪ Peel repeals the Corn Law, and what happens?
▪ The House bill repeals the current housing law, while the Senate bill repeals only parts of it and rewrites others.
▪ The number of laws on the statute book increases cumulatively since governments repeal relatively few laws.
▪ So, I asked, would he also move to repeal the anti-pot laws?
▪ This new act of 1773 repealed all the previous legislation on longitude.
▪ They want to repeal a tax the heirs of millionaires pay.
▪ The House and Senate voted overwhelmingly last month to repeal the tax break only after it had become public.
▪ He and buddy Chuck Bauman have been circulating petitions for months asking voters to repeal property taxes.
▪ So, if voters decide this fall to repeal property taxes, all hell breaks lose on the school-funding front.
▪ Dole is leading the push in Congress for repealing the gasoline tax.
▪ Lawmakers approved a bill repealing the tax in 1979, but Gov.
▪ The House is all but certain to vote to repeal the law.
▪ The measure now goes to the House of Delegates, which voted to repeal the song in the past.
▪ Congress repealed the ban on women flying Naval combat missions.
▪ He has championed the popular ban on assault-style weapons, defending it with gusto as Republicans try to repeal it.
▪ If Congress were to repeal the amendment this year, GUPS-type investigations would be easier to initiate.
▪ In fact, the Act does not repeal all of them.
▪ No special procedures are required for amending or repealing such laws.
▪ The draconian Special Powers Act was never repealed despite the election promises.
▪ The House bill repeals the current housing law, while the Senate bill repeals only parts of it and rewrites others.
▪ The United States Conference of Mayors issued a statement denouncing the move to repeal.
▪ This was repealed in 1971 and chargeable assets in a deceased's estate pass to the heirs at probate value.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Repeal \Re*peal"\, n.

  1. Recall, as from exile. [Obs.]

    The tribunes are no soldiers; and their people Will be as rash in the repeal, as hasty To expel him thence.

  2. Revocation; abrogation; as, the repeal of a statute; the repeal of a law or a usage.


Repeal \Re*peal"\ (r?-p?l"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Repealed (-p?ld"); p. pr. & vb. n. Repealing.] [OF. repeler to call back, F. rappeler; pref. re- re- + OF. apeler, F. appeler, to call, L. appellare. See Appeal, and. cf. Repel.]

  1. To recall; to summon again, as persons. [Obs.]

    The banished Bolingbroke repeals himself, And with uplifted arms is safe arrived.

  2. To recall, as a deed, will, law, or statute; to revoke; to rescind or abrogate by authority, as by act of the legislature; as, to repeal a law.

  3. To suppress; to repel. [Obs.]

    Whence Adam soon repealed The doubts that in his heart arose.

    Syn: To abolish; revoke; rescind; recall; annul; abrogate; cancel; reverse. See Abolish.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., from Anglo-French repeler, Old French rapeler "call back, call in, call after, revoke" (Modern French rappeler), from re- "back" (see re-) + apeler "to call" (see appeal (v.)). Related: Repealed; repealing.


late 15c., from repeal (v.), or from Anglo-French repel, Old French rapel (Modern French rappel) "a recall appeal," back-formation from rapeler.


n. An act or instance of repealing. vb. 1 (context transitive English) To cancel, invalidate, annul. 2 To recall; to summon (a person) again. 3 To suppress; to repel.

  1. n. the act of abrogating; an official or legal cancellation [syn: abrogation, annulment]

  2. v. annul by recalling or rescinding; "He revoked the ban on smoking"; "lift an embargo"; "vacate a death sentence" [syn: revoke, annul, lift, countermand, reverse, overturn, rescind, vacate]


A repeal is the removal or reversal of a law. There are two basic types of repeal, a repeal with re-enactment (or replacement) of the repealed law, or a repeal without replacement.

Removal of secondary legislation is normally referred to as revocation rather than repeal in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Under the common law of England and Wales, the effect of repealing a statute was "to obliterate it completely from the records of Parliament as though it had never been passed." This, however, is now subject to savings provisions within the Interpretation Act 1978.

In parliamentary procedure, the motion to rescind, repeal, or annul is used to cancel or countermand an action or order previously adopted by the assembly.

Usage examples of "repeal".

This the great agitator declared he would obtain by moral force only, if the people of Ireland abstained from rebellion, and preserved the moral attitude of a united demand for the repeal of the legislative union between Great Britain and Ireland.

The landed interest, likewise, was against this measure: agriculturists wishing rather to see the duty on malt than beer repealed.

Thus a contract made by the governor pursuant to a statute authorizing the appointment of a commissioner to conduct, over a period of years, a geological, mineralogical, and agricultural survey of the State, for which a definite sum had been authorized, was held to have been impaired by repeal of the statute.

Dysfunctions of the political system, where it is often more effective to wield illusion than reality, would make attempts to repeal the cuts a suicide mission.

Comitia Curiata the right of electing kings and the higher magistrates, of enacting and repealing laws, and of deciding in cases of appeal from the sentence of a judge.

She and Madame Lorretta had served time together in Hollo way for offences of a heretical nature, which are still covered by the otherwise repealed Witchcraft Act of 1572.

Indiana Teachers Tenure Act of 1927, to continued employment was held to be contractual and to have been impaired by the repeal in 1933 of the earlier act.

After issuing these ordinances, with others of minor importance, and after repealing martial-law in the district of Montreal, on the 5th of May the council was prorogued.

TV screen, his best and only friend, the giant Zenith, literally bigger than he is, bigger than life, an angel, a devil, a god, sucking in amber waves of radiation that will cause his hair to repeal at twenty-three, watching Johnny fucking Quest fight the lizards and live the two-dimensional four-color good life like a young, cartoon Hemingway, wishing his mom and dad were there to hold him and tell him that everything was alright and to promise him that life would not become boring and predictable and that he would not wish for death while slurping booze in a death-disco fernless bar while being watched -- and he KNEW it -- through small eyes by two dead-fish women whose bitterness was oozing through their skin, literally, oozing, only to be held in check by a wall, a fortification, really, of caked-on, buckling makeup, psychically pin-pricked by these lumps of plodding DNA?

The contests between the two sections of Repealers ended in the secession of the Young Irelanders from the Repeal Association.

A national movement, in penitence and faith, for the repeal of the Acts Rescissory and the recognition of the National Covenants would be as life from the dead throughout the British Empire.

The Acts Rescissory followed, declaring the Covenants unlawful and seditious deeds, and repealing all Parliamentary laws in their favour.

Repeal of the Corn Laws, the Disestablishment of the Irish Church, Ballot, Trade Unionism, and unreciprocated Free Trade.

Petitions having been presented by the cities of Bristol and New-Sarum, alleging, that since the laws prohibiting the making of low wines and spirits from grain, meal, and flour, had been in force, the commonalty appeared more sober, healthy, and industrious: representing the ill consequences which they apprehended would attend the repeal of these laws, and therefore praying their continuance.

Party after the repeal of the antisocialist laws in 1890 lent it immense prestige in the eyes of socialists abroad.