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religious music

n. genre of music composed for performance as part of religious ceremonies [syn: church music]

Religious music

Religious music (also sacred music) is music performed or composed for religious use or through religious influence. Ritual music is music, sacred or not, performed or composed for or as ritual.

Usage examples of "religious music".

The old Frankish pieces he hoped to invoke were all religious music, devotionals, and had to be understood and utilized as such, as sacred music.

Somehow they jammed themselves into the sports car and trundled off to Winchester, where the united choir was a delight: boys of fourteen and elderly women of seventy, old men and round-faced young girls, singing the ancient songs of England and the best religious music.

These men and women offered mainly religious music, running through a ritual of hymns often unfamiliar to the white guests, but sooner or later strong voices like Julia Caters would slip into the popular spirituals, and sometimes the whole crowd would join in the singing, and at such moments of fusion any thought of white or black would vanish.

These men and women offered mainly religious music, running through a ritual of hymns often unfamiliar to the white guests, but sooner or later strong voices like Julia Cater’.

You wouldn't even have to go that far-Simply claim that roller skating served a desirable though not essential function parallel to that which religious music serves in most churches.

Simply claim that roller skating served a desirable though not essential function parallel to that which religious music serves in most churches.

She had an enormous repertoire, including religious music, opera, the musical theater, and even some popular songs.

A large number of frequencies were broadcasting what Khalil identified as Christian services or religious music.

Alcohol was forbidden to Asharites of course, but so were Jaddite and Kindath women, boys, dancing, non-religious music and a variety of excellent foods.

Probably he was annoyed that my grandmother had chosen religious music for her funeral ceremony.