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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Sharpton has a funny rejoinder for every occasion.
▪ Eliot concurred; but he still felt that sometimes it was necessary to write a fairly sharp rejoinder.
▪ Freedom of choice is a feeble rejoinder when the issue is global suicide.
▪ It would be unfair to leave the discussion of the later Wordsworth without a rejoinder to what is usually said.
▪ Speech implies other speech, either preceding it, or as an anticipated rejoinder.
▪ Vic grunts, the distillation of an equally familiar rejoinder.
▪ When I called him to object, the reporter said that his editors intended to invite me to write a rejoinder.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Rejoinder \Re*join"der\ (-d?r), n. [From F. rejoindre, inf., to join again. See Rejoin.]

  1. An answer to a reply; or, in general, an answer or reply.

  2. (Law) The defendant's answer to the plaintiff's replication.

    Syn: Reply; answer; replication. See Reply.


Rejoinder \Re*join"der\, v. i. To make a rejoinder. [Archaic]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-15c., from Middle French noun use of rejoindre (see rejoin (v.2)). Originally "defendant's answer to the replication" (the fourth stage in the pleadings in an action at common law). For noun use of infinitive in French law terms, see waiver.


n. 1 (context legal English) defendant's answer to the replication. 2 A quick response that involves disagreement or is witty; especially an answer to a reply. 3 (context patent law English) in US patent law re-insertion, typically after allowance of a patent application, of patent claims that had been withdrawn from examination under a restriction requirement. vb. 1 (context intransitive English) To issue a rejoinder. 2 (context transitive English) To say as a rejoinder.

  1. n. a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one); "it brought a sharp rejoinder from the teacher" [syn: retort, return, riposte, replication, comeback, counter]

  2. (law) a pleading made by a defendant in response to the plaintiff's replication

Usage examples of "rejoinder".

If in defence or in extenuation of the policy of the majority it shall be said that the United States has not remonetized silver, and that, therefore, the policy of the majority has not been tested, a partial rejoinder, if not, indeed, a satisfactory reply, may be deduced from the facts that between the years 1878 and the year 1893 the Government coined more than 400,000,000 silver dollars, and yet, in that period of time, silver bullion fell from 1.

So on, assertion, rejoinder, surrejoinder, and rebuttal, till the dispassionate philosopher in the pillows wearied of his conceit and directed his thoughts toward breakfast.

Their assertions of the vast benefits conferred upon the human race by experiments upon living animals are made in the journals of the day, in popular magazines--in periodicals which refuse opportunity of rejoinder, and which therefore lend their influence to securing the permanency of untruth.

I took several deep breaths, trying simultaneously to control my annoyance and think of some crushing rejoinder.

This pleasant rejoinder was followed by a storm of kisses given and returned with ardour which one might pronounce truly Venetian, if it were not that this would wound the feelings of the almost equally ardent Provencals.

These, two letters provoked a shower of rejoinders, in which, according to Cooper, misstatements were mingled with scurrility.

Very likely during his own college days Hervey Sawtelle had been goaded by arrogant instructors into believing that he ought to know everything about everything, be familiar with all the authorities on all the subjects, including medieval music, differential equations, and modern poetry, be able to produce an instant knowing rejoinder to any conceivable intellectual remark, including those made in dead and foreign languages, and never under any circumstances ask a question.

But Mary knew what it probably was: the perfect rejoinder to her comment about vocal range, the fact that Gliksins could choke to death while drinking whereas Neanderthals could not.

This lame rejoinder seemed to satisfy the Baroness, who relaxed against her pillows, looking faintly smug.

Receiving nothing but indignant rejoinders, he twits Susanna with loving the lad, and more than intimates that Cherubino is in love with the Countess.

The Girl Who Heard Dragons Aramina was aroused by the urgency of her parents' voices: Dowell's a fierce whisper of persuasion and her mother's a fearful rejoinder.

Fielder: For my closing remarks, which I promise you will be kept as brief as humanly possible, given the pronounced oratorical bias of your speaker and chairman, I'd like simply to say that this has been a most dynamic round table, surely for me a most instructive one as well, as it was I believe for all of us gathered here, although each no doubt has his or her own idea of levels of merit, remembering our own Turner Bakey and his oft-quoted rejoinder to Ed-dings' paraphrase of Larue during the Arts-Leadership Committee's brunch on genocide.

But before she could come up with a suitably insulting rejoinder for Brinner, Ezri felt her throat tense up as she recognized what was coming through the runabout door.

I even managed, after Megan's strenuous urging, to refrain from buzzing out a nasty rejoinder about the murky conservative bypaths of the wealthy.

I even managed, after Megan’s strenuous urging, to refrain from buzzing out a nasty rejoinder about the murky conservative bypaths of the wealthy.