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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
reinforce a notion (=make an idea stronger or easier to believe)
▪ The research reinforces the notion that fathers have an important role in their children’s lives.
reinforce a stereotype (=make a stereotype stronger by showing or describing someone in the usual way)
▪ Charities for older people must be careful not to reinforce harmful stereotypes.
reinforced concrete
▪ Here, as so often in the New Testament, word and sacrament mutually reinforce one another.
▪ Several unique, yet mutually reinforcing, factors have been at work to stimulate the pace of the process.
▪ On the contrary, they can be mutually reinforcing.
▪ Groups of work-inhibited students may reinforce mutually held beliefs that school is a negative environment.
▪ Contemplating the sweep of the development of some field of science can only reinforce that feeling.
▪ A job program that provides genuinely equal opportunities for ghetto boys and girls will only reinforce the girls' economic edge.
▪ His suggestions can only reinforce the anti-male sexism inherent in some areas of child care work.
▪ If so, the coming mergers will only reinforce an already established trend.
▪ Since women in general have less social prestige than men, this in itself tends to reinforce negative attitudes to the elderly.
▪ Rather, people interpret and retain media information selectively to reinforce their existing attitudes.
▪ A small racist joke or ill considered sentence only serves to reinforce negative attitudes.
▪ Supermarkets themselves say they're catering for increasing customer demand, customers too seem to reinforce that attitude.
▪ To instil or reinforce responsible drinking attitudes and behaviour. 3.
▪ And in using these terms, we reinforce such attitudes and make them seem like something timelessly true about women.
▪ Psychiatrists and other advisers may reinforce this attitude.
▪ Cultural and family values often reinforce this belief.
▪ Groups of work-inhibited students may reinforce mutually held beliefs that school is a negative environment.
▪ This would reinforce their belief in the need to help the latter group of newspapers rather than simply leaving them to market forces.
▪ Although rebound is a temporary reaction, it tends to reinforce insomniacs' belief that they can not sleep without medication.
▪ In contrast to the redistributive capital tax considered in Section 8-3, the indirect effects reinforce the transfer.
▪ History, indeed, tends to show that public intervention can have the effect of reinforcing rather than curbing market excesses.
▪ It becomes intentional if the effect is reinforcing.
▪ New values thus have the effect of reinforcing traditional differences.
▪ Initial disbelief in the disease concept and determination to find or reinforce one's own ideas on the cause of addiction.
▪ The resulting videos seem to reinforce the stereotypic idea that dark-skinned black women are not as attractIve as their lighter sisters.
▪ Answer guide: The intention here is to reinforce the idea that costs of one period may be expenses of another period.
▪ In all likelihood, the racially polarized vote will reinforce Mississippi's negative image far beyond its borders.
▪ True, Newt Gingrich will pay $ 300, 000 to reinforce this image of fund raising run rampant.
▪ Such stories reinforce stock images of a regime that imposes population control by force.
▪ They have become devalued as people in their own right and everything that happens to them subsequently serves to reinforce this impression.
▪ Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin went on a scheduled vacation, evidently to reinforce the impression of business as usual.
▪ As described in Chapter Five, the manager may use cryptic messages to reinforce this impression.
▪ Likewise, public relations may use advertising to support or spearhead a publicity programme to reinforce messages.
▪ I had been sending my child the wrong message for years and here I was reinforcing that message.
▪ Perhaps I can intrude into my own column again at this point to reinforce the message.
▪ They have come to reinforce the message they left last time.
▪ We have not included much documentary work as the realism of documentary has often been used ideologically to reinforce notions of naturalness.
▪ How can schools reflect cultural differences without reinforcing the notion that those differences are unchanging and inherent in particular groups.
▪ Here is another problem in constitutional law to reinforce the point.
▪ We have referred to Piaget to make or reinforce a point about teaching.
▪ Mr. Marlow Could my right hon. Friend reinforce the point that he has just made?
▪ With this proviso, the book can be recommended as readable and illustrated with several case-studies to reinforce the authors' points.
▪ I have so advised Mr Simpson but it might be helpful if you could reinforce the point.
▪ You can freeze a frame, rewind, replay and so on to reinforce a point.
▪ In actual fact, what the monarchy does do is to reinforce Britain's position in the world as an outmoded Ruritania.
▪ As late as 1964, Bulkeley, by then an admiral, was reinforcing his position as one of my heroes.
▪ The emperors, too, and their advisers badly needed legal texts to reinforce their position as rulers.
▪ You really need to calm down and take life more stoically to reinforce your position.
▪ This qualification will put us a further jump ahead of competition and will reinforce our position as market leader in quality Hygiene Services.
▪ In some cases Bourdieu speaks of individual strategies intended to reinforce one's own position within the lineage.
▪ This kind of experience can reinforce our sense of insecurity, as well as making the burden of sadness unbearably heavy.
▪ Living in an area of expensive detached houses can serve to reinforce one's sense of being middle-class.
▪ However, it is a fact that there are stimuli such as food which are reinforcing in this sense.
▪ But it will also be evident that Saussurean linguistics did much more than simply reinforce the Formalists' view of literature.
▪ And the problem is compounded because managers Jan find both the books and the consultants to reinforce their narrow view.
▪ These may either be addictive themselves or may reinforce the view that there is a pill for every ill.
▪ Since then the increase in warning time has merely served to reinforce the view.
▪ Such an analogy helps to reinforce the distinctive orientations of the two modes.
▪ It has helped to reinforce the important contribution the Institute and its members can make in this area.
▪ This helps to reinforce his status within the group.
▪ For the study of social need and welfare policy this is clearly right; yet it unwittingly helps to reinforce the stereotypes.
▪ Are the investments of these agencies helping to challenge or reinforce the historic sectarian divisions within the labour market? 3.
▪ Of course they not only reflect ageism in society but help to reinforce it and make it acceptable.
▪ Again, plenty of praise at this stage will help to reinforce the desired response.
▪ Both arrived together and seemed to reinforce each other.
▪ The resulting videos seem to reinforce the stereotypic idea that dark-skinned black women are not as attractIve as their lighter sisters.
▪ Supermarkets themselves say they're catering for increasing customer demand, customers too seem to reinforce that attitude.
▪ As it is no longer in focus the drill serves to reinforce what has already been drilled and ensures automaticity of control.
▪ I think it would only serve to reinforce my fears.
▪ A small racist joke or ill considered sentence only serves to reinforce negative attitudes.
▪ It is there to serve the professionals and reinforce their efforts.
▪ They have become devalued as people in their own right and everything that happens to them subsequently serves to reinforce this impression.
▪ The achievement of a goal will serve to reinforce the behaviour and so establish a causal connection between needs and goals.
▪ Hitherto they had deliberately promoted internally, which served to reinforce the already strong personal loyalty.
▪ Since women in general have less social prestige than men, this in itself tends to reinforce negative attitudes to the elderly.
▪ In their interplay, the two developments tended to reinforce each other on an international scale.
▪ In any case, in focusing on particular states it tended to reinforce the state-centric view of International Relations.
▪ Although rebound is a temporary reaction, it tends to reinforce insomniacs' belief that they can not sleep without medication.
▪ This dualism tended to reinforce a form of psychophysical parallelism in ethology.
▪ In some ways what the district councils do tends to reinforce the efforts of regional policy.
▪ Current possession of human, physical and financial capital tends to reinforce itself in successive periods, although not completely so.
▪ In most cases, the school environment tends to reinforce the influence of the home background.
▪ Genetics is often used to reinforce existing prejudices.
▪ But by the following morning I could have used a little reinforcing myself.
▪ Colour coding in both these libraries was used to reinforce clearly printed visual signs.
▪ Instead he used the choice to reinforce his hostility to change.
▪ We have not included much documentary work as the realism of documentary has often been used ideologically to reinforce notions of naturalness.
▪ Simple reward charts can be used to reinforce either sitting at the table or finishing a meal for the 3-year-old and older.
▪ But in the end new technology was used to reinforce the old office relationships.
▪ As described in Chapter Five, the manager may use cryptic messages to reinforce this impression.
▪ Huge beams have been added at the top of the walls to reinforce the carved medieval roof.
▪ The dam was reinforced with 20,000 sandbags.
▪ The sea wall at Southend is being reinforced with tons of cement.
▪ This reinforces the stereotype that blondes have no brains.
▪ Devote most of your time to reinforcing good behavior, with smiles, hugs, compliments or special privileges.
▪ If all goes well, the skills develop interactively as they are supposed to, do complement and reinforce each other.
▪ In most cases, the school environment tends to reinforce the influence of the home background.
▪ In the present case Mr. Glick was fully entitled to, and did, point to practical considerations to reinforce his argument.
▪ It could reinforce prescriptions for an appropriate scientific method.
▪ Mobile forms of macrophage circulate in the blood, ready to be recruited into inflamed tissue to reinforce the cells already there.
▪ Overprotective parents may bombard their young children with messages that reinforce their lack of mastery.
▪ The depictions on paper money and coins reinforce national icons and symbols.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Reenforce \Re`["e]n*force"\, n. [See Re["e]nforce, v., and cf. Ranforce, Reinforce.] Something which re["e]nforces or strengthens. Specifically:

  1. That part of a cannon near the breech which is thicker than the rest of the piece, so as better to resist the force of the exploding powder. See Illust. of Cannon.

  2. An additional thickness of canvas, cloth, or the like, around an eyelet, buttonhole, etc. [Written also reinforce.]


Reenforce \Re`["e]n*force"\ (-f?rs"), v. t. [Pref. re- + enforce: cf. F. renforcer.]

  1. To strengthen with new force, assistance, material, or support; as, to re["e]nforce an argument; to re["e]nforce a garment; especially, to strengthen with additional troops, as an army or a fort, or with additional ships, as a fleet. [Written also reinforce.]

  2. (Psychology) To increase the likelihood that (a specific behavior) will be repeated by giving a reward or punishment to a person or animal; as, to reenforce the students' willingness to study by giving awards for good grades.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1600, originally in military sense, from re- "again" + enforce (compare re-enforce). Related: Reinforced; reinforcing.


vb. 1 (senseid en to strengthen by addition)(context transitive English) To strengthen, especially by addition or augmentation. 2 (context transitive English) To emphasize or review. 3 (context transitive English) To encourage a behavior or idea through repeated stimulus.

  1. v. make stronger; "he reinforced the concrete" [syn: reenforce]

  2. strengthen and support with rewards; "Let's reinforce good behavior" [syn: reward]

Reinforce (Nanoha)

Usage examples of "reinforce".

Venerable Bede was new-old: reinforced concrete buildings with precast columns, architraves, plinths, caryatids, and whatnot glued on the outside to simulate age.

The second of the one-ninety-eighth was ambushed during movement to reinforce you.

He was not trying to reinforce his beliefs but to reconstruct a cultural heritage, to remake a basis even of antinomic ideas.

The surface color and reflectivity can also be varied by arranging the bacteria into different configurations, so that light waves of one wavelength cancel each other, while the waves of another length reinforce each other, giving the object a certain color, making it light or dark.

He reinforced the garrisons at Carlisle and Berwick and appointed Henry Percy as commander in the west with Aymer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, in the east.

Narni, Spoleto, and Perusia, were reinforced, and the seven camps of the besiegers were gradually encompassed with the calamities of a siege.

The latter, enormous work was still a drawing, but the austerity of the bistre monochrome seemed fitting for the devotional austerity of the mood and somehow reinforced the enormous compositional pull of the work towards its patriotic center, where light played on the head of Sylvain Bailly commanding the oath.

Big Screen was like an electroshock cattle prod hammered down the earthquake faults of human identity which ripple and shudder at magnitude ten and slip and slide and pulverize and resettle into new and rarely improved and NEVER stable identities and wait for the next inevitable twitch and shudder that will send reality sprawling once again like pieces of ice flying around a high-speed blender and create a new and even more unstable formation and reinforce the creeping paranoia that has flooded the dazed soul that WAS you but has become something else, something different THAT was what FILM could do.

David the injection Bowser had promised, but a whiff of gas instead, which had reinforced the overall dental impression.

The controversy over gene-modified food reached its peak in the year 2010, when a breakthrough in the analysis of the functional capabilities of the ribosome made it possible for genetic engineers to construct an artificial gene to allow cows to grow bones reinforced with buckytube fibers.

The walls are covered with excreta chemically similar to the pile excretions, which forms a mastic to reinforce the tunnel against .

The usual linear formulae had been laid out in a mantric frame, presumably to reinforce the self-perpetuating bond, and it took her a moment to pick out the normal shape of the equation.

When they avoid mentioning politics or religion, because those topics may be too controversial, they reinforce the marginalization of important American institutions by the institution of the mall.

He bad also wanted, very much, to see Karen Sloan, a desire now reinforced by her charm and re134 markable beauty.

Notwithstanding these precautions, his Prussian majesty, to guard as much as could be against every possible event, sent a great number of gunners and matrasses from Pomerania to Memel, with three regiments of his troops, to reinforce the garrison of that place.