reinforce a notion (=make an idea stronger or easier to believe)
▪ The research reinforces the notion that fathers have an important role in their children’s lives.
reinforce a stereotype (=make a stereotype stronger by showing or describing someone in the usual way)
▪ Charities for older people must be careful not to reinforce harmful stereotypes.
reinforced concrete
▪ Here, as so often in the New Testament, word and sacrament mutually reinforce one another.
▪ Several unique, yet mutually reinforcing, factors have been at work to stimulate the pace of the process.
▪ On the contrary, they can be mutually reinforcing.
▪ Groups of work-inhibited students may reinforce mutually held beliefs that school is a negative environment.
▪ Contemplating the sweep of the development of some field of science can only reinforce that feeling.
▪ A job program that provides genuinely equal opportunities for ghetto boys and girls will only reinforce the girls' economic edge.
▪ His suggestions can only reinforce the anti-male sexism inherent in some areas of child care work.
▪ If so, the coming mergers will only reinforce an already established trend.
▪ Since women in general have less social prestige than men, this in itself tends to reinforce negative attitudes to the elderly.
▪ Rather, people interpret and retain media information selectively to reinforce their existing attitudes.
▪ A small racist joke or ill considered sentence only serves to reinforce negative attitudes.
▪ Supermarkets themselves say they're catering for increasing customer demand, customers too seem to reinforce that attitude.
▪ To instil or reinforce responsible drinking attitudes and behaviour. 3.
▪ And in using these terms, we reinforce such attitudes and make them seem like something timelessly true about women.
▪ Psychiatrists and other advisers may reinforce this attitude.
▪ Cultural and family values often reinforce this belief.
▪ Groups of work-inhibited students may reinforce mutually held beliefs that school is a negative environment.
▪ This would reinforce their belief in the need to help the latter group of newspapers rather than simply leaving them to market forces.
▪ Although rebound is a temporary reaction, it tends to reinforce insomniacs' belief that they can not sleep without medication.
▪ In contrast to the redistributive capital tax considered in Section 8-3, the indirect effects reinforce the transfer.
▪ History, indeed, tends to show that public intervention can have the effect of reinforcing rather than curbing market excesses.
▪ It becomes intentional if the effect is reinforcing.
▪ New values thus have the effect of reinforcing traditional differences.
▪ Initial disbelief in the disease concept and determination to find or reinforce one's own ideas on the cause of addiction.
▪ The resulting videos seem to reinforce the stereotypic idea that dark-skinned black women are not as attractIve as their lighter sisters.
▪ Answer guide: The intention here is to reinforce the idea that costs of one period may be expenses of another period.
▪ In all likelihood, the racially polarized vote will reinforce Mississippi's negative image far beyond its borders.
▪ True, Newt Gingrich will pay $ 300, 000 to reinforce this image of fund raising run rampant.
▪ Such stories reinforce stock images of a regime that imposes population control by force.
▪ They have become devalued as people in their own right and everything that happens to them subsequently serves to reinforce this impression.
▪ Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin went on a scheduled vacation, evidently to reinforce the impression of business as usual.
▪ As described in Chapter Five, the manager may use cryptic messages to reinforce this impression.
▪ Likewise, public relations may use advertising to support or spearhead a publicity programme to reinforce messages.
▪ I had been sending my child the wrong message for years and here I was reinforcing that message.
▪ Perhaps I can intrude into my own column again at this point to reinforce the message.
▪ They have come to reinforce the message they left last time.
▪ We have not included much documentary work as the realism of documentary has often been used ideologically to reinforce notions of naturalness.
▪ How can schools reflect cultural differences without reinforcing the notion that those differences are unchanging and inherent in particular groups.
▪ Here is another problem in constitutional law to reinforce the point.
▪ We have referred to Piaget to make or reinforce a point about teaching.
▪ Mr. Marlow Could my right hon. Friend reinforce the point that he has just made?
▪ With this proviso, the book can be recommended as readable and illustrated with several case-studies to reinforce the authors' points.
▪ I have so advised Mr Simpson but it might be helpful if you could reinforce the point.
▪ You can freeze a frame, rewind, replay and so on to reinforce a point.
▪ In actual fact, what the monarchy does do is to reinforce Britain's position in the world as an outmoded Ruritania.
▪ As late as 1964, Bulkeley, by then an admiral, was reinforcing his position as one of my heroes.
▪ The emperors, too, and their advisers badly needed legal texts to reinforce their position as rulers.
▪ You really need to calm down and take life more stoically to reinforce your position.
▪ This qualification will put us a further jump ahead of competition and will reinforce our position as market leader in quality Hygiene Services.
▪ In some cases Bourdieu speaks of individual strategies intended to reinforce one's own position within the lineage.
▪ This kind of experience can reinforce our sense of insecurity, as well as making the burden of sadness unbearably heavy.
▪ Living in an area of expensive detached houses can serve to reinforce one's sense of being middle-class.
▪ However, it is a fact that there are stimuli such as food which are reinforcing in this sense.
▪ But it will also be evident that Saussurean linguistics did much more than simply reinforce the Formalists' view of literature.
▪ And the problem is compounded because managers Jan find both the books and the consultants to reinforce their narrow view.
▪ These may either be addictive themselves or may reinforce the view that there is a pill for every ill.
▪ Since then the increase in warning time has merely served to reinforce the view.
▪ Such an analogy helps to reinforce the distinctive orientations of the two modes.
▪ It has helped to reinforce the important contribution the Institute and its members can make in this area.
▪ This helps to reinforce his status within the group.
▪ For the study of social need and welfare policy this is clearly right; yet it unwittingly helps to reinforce the stereotypes.
▪ Are the investments of these agencies helping to challenge or reinforce the historic sectarian divisions within the labour market? 3.
▪ Of course they not only reflect ageism in society but help to reinforce it and make it acceptable.
▪ Again, plenty of praise at this stage will help to reinforce the desired response.
▪ Both arrived together and seemed to reinforce each other.
▪ The resulting videos seem to reinforce the stereotypic idea that dark-skinned black women are not as attractIve as their lighter sisters.
▪ Supermarkets themselves say they're catering for increasing customer demand, customers too seem to reinforce that attitude.
▪ As it is no longer in focus the drill serves to reinforce what has already been drilled and ensures automaticity of control.
▪ I think it would only serve to reinforce my fears.
▪ A small racist joke or ill considered sentence only serves to reinforce negative attitudes.
▪ It is there to serve the professionals and reinforce their efforts.
▪ They have become devalued as people in their own right and everything that happens to them subsequently serves to reinforce this impression.
▪ The achievement of a goal will serve to reinforce the behaviour and so establish a causal connection between needs and goals.
▪ Hitherto they had deliberately promoted internally, which served to reinforce the already strong personal loyalty.
▪ Since women in general have less social prestige than men, this in itself tends to reinforce negative attitudes to the elderly.
▪ In their interplay, the two developments tended to reinforce each other on an international scale.
▪ In any case, in focusing on particular states it tended to reinforce the state-centric view of International Relations.
▪ Although rebound is a temporary reaction, it tends to reinforce insomniacs' belief that they can not sleep without medication.
▪ This dualism tended to reinforce a form of psychophysical parallelism in ethology.
▪ In some ways what the district councils do tends to reinforce the efforts of regional policy.
▪ Current possession of human, physical and financial capital tends to reinforce itself in successive periods, although not completely so.
▪ In most cases, the school environment tends to reinforce the influence of the home background.
▪ Genetics is often used to reinforce existing prejudices.
▪ But by the following morning I could have used a little reinforcing myself.
▪ Colour coding in both these libraries was used to reinforce clearly printed visual signs.
▪ Instead he used the choice to reinforce his hostility to change.
▪ We have not included much documentary work as the realism of documentary has often been used ideologically to reinforce notions of naturalness.
▪ Simple reward charts can be used to reinforce either sitting at the table or finishing a meal for the 3-year-old and older.
▪ But in the end new technology was used to reinforce the old office relationships.
▪ As described in Chapter Five, the manager may use cryptic messages to reinforce this impression.
▪ Huge beams have been added at the top of the walls to reinforce the carved medieval roof.
▪ The dam was reinforced with 20,000 sandbags.
▪ The sea wall at Southend is being reinforced with tons of cement.
▪ This reinforces the stereotype that blondes have no brains.
▪ Devote most of your time to reinforcing good behavior, with smiles, hugs, compliments or special privileges.
▪ If all goes well, the skills develop interactively as they are supposed to, do complement and reinforce each other.
▪ In most cases, the school environment tends to reinforce the influence of the home background.
▪ In the present case Mr. Glick was fully entitled to, and did, point to practical considerations to reinforce his argument.
▪ It could reinforce prescriptions for an appropriate scientific method.
▪ Mobile forms of macrophage circulate in the blood, ready to be recruited into inflamed tissue to reinforce the cells already there.
▪ Overprotective parents may bombard their young children with messages that reinforce their lack of mastery.
▪ The depictions on paper money and coins reinforce national icons and symbols.