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vb. (en-past of: refit)

  1. n. outfitting a ship again (by repairing or replacing parts)

  2. v. fit out again

  3. [also: refitting, refitted]


See refit

Usage examples of "refitted".

Landed, decontaminated, the ships would ultimately be refitted and recommissioned into the Alliance force.

The statements of Bradford and others indicate that she was bought and refitted with moneys raised in Holland, but it is not easy to understand the transaction, in view of the understood terms of the business compact between the Adventurers and the Planters, as hereinafter outlined.

The resonant phenomenon produced by the electromagnets can crush the Mil with greater personnel safety, less risk and loss of ships and lives than any improvement in our battle tactics since we refitted the first Star-class ship.

All matings required a boat, either new or refitted, as part of the ceremony, but not all were graced by one of such size and splendor.

A half-dozen of those monster ships had been refitted with additional point defense armament for mine-sweeping purposes, which meant, of course, that something of their offensive armament had been given up in exchange.

The tanks will be much less effective for combat in an atmosphere, refitted as Kaul would have them.

Once he refitted the tool, he would have an unstoppable weapon at his command.