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n. (plural of refinement English)

Usage examples of "refinements".

Instead, string theorists have cast these calculations into a perturbative framework based on the expectation that a reasonable ballpark estimate is given by the zero-loop processes, with the loop diagrams resulting in refinements that get smaller as the number of loops increases.

Being a permanent installation, the circus had some features and refinements that no traveling establishment could imitate—a very good lighting system, for one thing, real oxyhydrogen limelights, and overhead as well as pista-level spotlights.

Their errors are derived from the abuse of the arts and sciences of the infidels, and they corrupt the simplicity of the gospel by the refinements of human reason.

Among the crowd of unthinking fanatics, a captive or a pilgrim might sometimes observe the superior refinements of Cairo and Constantinople: the first importer of windmills ^65 was the benefactor of nations.

In 199 1, Ugo Amaldi of CERN, Wim de Boer and Hermann Fürstenau of the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, recalculated the Georgi, Quinn, and Weinberg extrapolations making use of these experimental refinements and showed two significant things.

That is, the accumulated small refinements from diagrams with ever more loops might be essential for modifying the approximate equations—which admit many solutions—into exact equations that are far more restrictive.

Tikele was hoping to draft some refinements, using the 'Dini method, that would improve the Vadim's drive.

Most papermaking techniques, Masterharper, are refinements of techniques you already employ, made easier by some basic machinery and of no higher level than your ancestors brought with them.

But now the pupils had outdistanced their mentors, and they had developed flesh-crawling refinements and more terribly effective methods of terrorisation such as the others had not dreamed of.

It had been my intention to tread water until the barge had entered harbour, or at least, under these prevailing conditions, it had disappeared into the murk of the rain, but if ever there was a time for dispensing with refinements this was it.

Moreover, it had one or two refinements that the Presidential coach lacked.

So the refinements are discarded and the narrative is a sprint from start to finish.

She applauded as vigorously as the jossers did, and, though Edge could not see her face, he knew she must be smiling to see so many new acts and so many refinements of the old ones.

He immediately started Lupino-mirror practice with the Kesperle, and meanwhile began rehearsing the Hanswurst to replace little Major Minim in the pugilist act with Ali Baba—and, between times, began introducing refinements into the Emeraldina's casse-cou performance.

Zealot groups attacked isolated Roman garrisons and massacred our soldiers with refinements of cruelty which recalled the worst memories of the Jewish revolt under Trajan.