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The Collaborative International Dictionary

follow-up \follow-up\ n.

  1. a second (or subsequent) action to increase the effectiveness of an initial action. Also used attributively; as a follow-up visit.

    Note: A follow-up may be of various types. After a medical examination, a second examination (or reexamination) to obtain additional information regarding some fact discovered in the first examination is considered a follow-up. A second visit or phone call in pursuit of a sale or other request would also be a follow-up.

    Syn: reexamination, review.

  2. (Journalism) A subsequent story providing information discovered or events happening after a first story was published.

  3. (Journalism) Same as sidebar.


n. (alternative form of re-examination English)

  1. n. (law) questioning of a witness by the party that called the witness after that witness has been subject to cross-examination [syn: redirect examination]

  2. a subsequent examination of a patient for the purpose of monitoring earlier treatment [syn: follow-up, followup, review]


In United States patent law, a reexamination is a process whereby a third party or inventor can have a patent reexamined by a patent examiner to verify that the subject matter it claims is patentable. To have a patent reexamined, an interested party must submit prior art that raises a "substantial new question of patentability". The Leahy-Smith America Invents Act makes substantial changes to the U.S. patent system, including new mechanisms for challenging patents at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. One of the new mechanisms is a post-grant review proceeding, which will provide patent challengers expanded bases on which to attack patents.

Usage examples of "reexamination".

Not only may whole classes of cases be kept out of the jurisdiction altogether, but particular classes of questions may be subjected to reexamination and review, while others are not.

The Duchess heard every word, but most of her faculties were concentrated upon a reexamination of Maggie and upon those questions which had been troubling her all evening and for these many days.

You know how highly I value, on a cognitive level, these reexaminations of obsolete rituals, and for me the Luciferine Church and the Order of Satan are equally to be respected above and beyond their demonological differences.

As soon as the appropriate people within EFC have been made aware of these developments, the next step will almost certainly be a call for a detailed reexamination of the theoretical foundations of high-energy plasmas by our senior physicists.

Even before his new team of lawyers went to work, the press began to call for a reexamination of his murder conviction.